Had more world title matches in one year on the main roster than Cesaro had in 10 years

>Had more world title matches in one year on the main roster than Cesaro had in 10 years
Why is Vince such a faggot?

Attached: the future is horrifying.png (178x231, 104.03K)

He's just as athletic as Cesaro but 17 years younger and can talk on a mic

cesaro didnt cut the mustard

vince doesnt like aliens

Cesaro is a boring shitter that only fat smarks enjoy so that might be why

Cesaro can speak six different languages, but still has nothing to say

Zero charisma personified

God damn this dude is an ugly butt fingering shitter

Cesaro's an alien and Vince was right not to push him, the top spots should be for humans only.

worked by ace theory

Ya seethe ?

Everyone that has ever worked in wwe has said Vince has "his talent."
If Vince likes you, regardless of having talent or being over, he will push you to the moon.
And if you somehow aren't his hand picked talent and you do get over on your own, he buries you.

Theory is a better wrestler thats why

What race is this?

He's Dimesian

>Just as athletic
>17 years younger
>can talk

Seppo kike

when vince finally put cesaro in a program with roman he was fucking shit so looks like vince was right

Vince is always right

If you don't understand how the Vince mythos is a key part of the Theory push, then you are a Mark.

So it's more smark bullshit?

kek based fuck Claudio

Most everyone who still watches wrestling is a smark. Cheap heat like burying the local sports team, or shock factors and swear words, just gets ironic boos and online praise.
Effective heel work requires working the smarks into a shoot.
They hate the shit out of Vince, so of course the strategy is to make the top heel hand-picked by McMahon (and unfairly pushed over their indie darlings)

It's a work. And that's a good thing