What do you think about the introduction of the WWE Israel Championship?

What do you think about the introduction of the WWE Israel Championship?

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I like it despite it being another soulless template belt

how high is vince’s security clearance? what does he know and when did he know it? a mcmahon will probably be president in our lifetime.

sheeeeeeshalom frfr no cap on Yahweh

>What do you think about the introduction of the WWE Israel Championship?
I hate the jews.

>speaking bix language
Filthy little shit.


based on what?

lmao imagine being THIS desperate for MJF

could be some kino feuds
>Ya see Mahmoud... people like you don't get to have rights.

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>foreign german heel wins the belt and trashes the fans
holy dimes

the holocaust never happened and free palestine, also all their belts are ugly jew belts so at least this one is more honest

hi Tony

>Kosher Quit Match
>Slog in a Synagogue Match
>No-Halakha Match

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About 27 years too late.

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Israels going over palestine and theres nothing you chuds can do about it

>theres nothing
except we've actually had an arab champion, we've never had a jewish one

macho man, goldberg and probably others. i hate jews as much as the next guy but its inaccurate to say the jew york wrestling company hasnt had jew champions (they just cant be jew presenting or else the goyim will puke them up)

Randy is not a jew because he never practiced Judaism

like 80% of jews who attend synagogue are atheists, its a lifestyle/community/tribe/race/world domination strategy, talking about judaism as a religion is just to confuse the situation