Bro, WWE's irrelevant, no one cares about them

>Bro, WWE's irrelevant, no one cares about them.

Attached: 1656864333074.png (1257x1079, 829.27K)

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>uses the gimmick of a guy who retired years ago
kinda undermined your point there OP

>Does an entrance for a wrestler from 25-30 years ago
WWE is about nostalgia at this point. No one cares about any of the new people they have, or ones from the last 5-10 years, and I can't blame them.

colby did this like 5 years ago bros

Attached: hulkies.gif (500x500, 634.8K)

Blacks can only name wrestlers from the attitude era

>we dont like WRASSLIN
>whole crowd knows what to do to the theme

MMA is where all the attitude era fans went

>does an old ass entrance from a guy who retired years ago
yeah, wwe is irrelevant

>Undertaker isn't a dr-

No wonder the fight was so boring. He was LARPing as Undercarder

Dude knew what he was dong not coming out during the You Suck part

He's still using it today.

but i thought the attitude era fans cared more about backstage drama segments than they did two guys beating the shit out of each other?

said no one ever

Nobody's gonna remember that fight but everyone will remember this entrance.

Why do you cover up the name on the urn?

nah foley vs taker is still the most over moment in history

Why didnt he come out as a current wwe wrestler?

Everything is about nostalgia, they're still making Star Wars and Jurassic Park movies

People fondly remember the fucking Undertaker not whatever college athlete Vince is molesting this week. Casuals that watch UFC think pro wrestling is a joke and they're (rightfully) not being convinced otherwise by the modern product

Why didn't Kenny Omega come out?

i will always dislike how Edge got the you suck chants over. Angle won a gold medal with a broken freaking neck and gave the fans his body, family, and soul to entertain us more so than that classless edgetty

when are they gonna use entrances from the better wrestling company?

Attached: aew entrance.webm (720x405, 2.57M)