Kek based

kek based

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> inb4 she no-shows the event

How much does it cost to fuck her?

Why are they booking a racist? I hope AEW stops sending their wrestlers to work for this company if they want to hire racists.

this. modern america should only hire pedos

>Chicago Heights
This racist cunt is coming that close to my stomping grounds? Hmmmm…Maybe I’ll have to see what my plans look like come that time. Tessa Blanchard will never make it to the big leagues. She’s not a good wrestler and looks like a dude.

uh oh, squaredcircle is not going to like this

Attached: Tessa_Blanchard_The_Rough_Riders.webm (1920x1080, 1.25M)

That announcement on twitter has over 200 replies so far kek. It's mainly white people using gifs of black people to show they disapprove

Better than Sashit

She'll be in my neighborhood too. Except I love racism. Freedom of speech. And America.
You having no plans for 4th of July wknd tell me you are NOT American. And if you hate based Tessa, then you're definitely a shitskin.

Guess I'll have to go to the show to protect Tessa... and America.

>tfw Tessa says 'nigger' in the Stardom locker room

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imagine if tessa got tired of this cancel shit & decided to make a statement haha.

Say the word, brother!

She’s a good wrestler just completely unlovable backstage. Is she still with that Mexican web guy?

Why are so many wrestlers still talking to Tessa? Don't they know they should stop talking to her so she kills herself!
t. redditors

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Imagine if instead of catholics they said this about (((them))) or the religion of peace

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the biggest reason why cancel culture is even a thing is that companies, institutes have given into these absolute nobodies demands. if from the start they laughed them off & did what they want we wouldn't be in this mess.

it'll take several "messages" being sent that cancelling someone has consequences, that or it's made illegal.

Tessa is a mentor to Izzy and seems sweet as can be, always hyping up Iz and promoting her stuff. She props up other women in the business as long as they're not scandalous bitches.

You'll note that every cunt that came after Tessa has a history of creating their own drama backstage.

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dead crowd

You need to switch over to Warrior Wrestling.

It's so kino, I've never even heard of it!