I thought wyatt was a smark favorite

I thought wyatt was a smark favorite

Attached: won wyatt.png (716x335, 75.01K)

Best gimmick 2013
Best gimmick 2019

He would debut some new gimmick and smarks would eat it up and then WWE creative would book it into the toilet because WWE is a childrena television show and the smarks would turn on it with mouth agape and tear it apart

>Hell in a Cell 2019
the ending to that shit was fucking hilarious, the crowd was pissed as the show faded to black and chanting AEW and shit

Attached: boo.jpg (1200x665, 31.32K)

he's fat ugly nigger

those are some pretty impressive mental gymnastics

Fucking how is that not what happened? The Wyatt family and the fiend were both over and then got their heat killed by bad booking


>Does something fresh and interesting
>Gets ruined by WWE
Every time, with everyone

>michael myers knockoff
>fresh and interesting

>The rest of WWE was "Man who wrestles"
In that world, any gimmick is fresh

Why would you think this? He was the worst wrestler of the decade.

worst booked wrestler*

>was the worst wrestler of the decade
>female wrestlers exist

>be a children's tv presenter/crazy killer clown
>can't feel pain
>nobody can beat me
>creative genius

>WON awards
>Best Gimmick 2019
>Worst Gimmick 2020
>Literally the same gimmick
I wouldn't class magoo drones as smarks, they pay a 60 year old jew monthly for him to cough, stutter and speculate.

people who read and follow Dave are no better than the fat retards who follow Cornette. they're mirror images of each other.

Meltzer and his drones hate Bliss so it's probably because of her.

>cough, stutter and speculate
p-p-plans change

Attached: meltz autism.webm (852x480, 1.08M)

more like the meltzer told me what to think awards

He's Kane for a new generation.

kek all his gimmicks were ass and wyatt clearly thought they were good shit. his twitter feed is just as cringe as anything he did on tv

True, but the bad ideas were wyatt's. When he was in developmental without writers his promos were Danzig lyrics edited down. Dude has no creativity, I like him but he needs idea filters and an actually creative person in charge of him.