AEW superfan arrested after IHOP fight

AEW superfan arrested after IHOP fight

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old af

slowpoke? or just desperate?

new af

kek aewtists really do be like that

>dining at the jannetty of diners
Denny’s was always the michaels

>the al snow to IHop's janetty
Waffle House is the real michaels

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That's place is always full of old people

and Dennys is always full of niggers and crackheads

we don't use that word here

Gain taste plebs

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the coke cake is yumola

only chuds eat there

Good. People I can relate too

I wish I was there so I could kill him

Hate AEW liberals like you wouldn't believe

Why do they all look alike

Caught the gay

Yooooo AEW fans are subhuman scum, if I was there I’d have booted him in the fucking jaw lol

How does one catch "gay"? Just being an AEW fan? Cause I don't wanna die from cuminthelungs.

Nah mate you'd get semen on your shoes from his mouth

What the fuck is he wearing? Fingerless gloves and harness?

Were they fighting about Zack Gowen?

if you're ever at a Denny's after a local pw show, I do suggest ordering the cunny platter

it's delicious

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