Most overrated wrestler ever...

most overrated wrestler ever. He's just a wannabe fake tough guy banana midget whos like 5'4 shoot who can't actually work so he just does a shitty Tenryu impression and throw weaksauce chops and elbows to make up for his lack of talent. All his matches are the fucking same and they all suck. He's almost as bad as Assplay. Fuck Homohiro Ishitty

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japanese people cant wrestle. they dont understand it. imagine if this guy was in america. he would get laughed out of the building

>Choshu at home but minus the dimes, charisma and the great wrestling
Why do nujamals worship him when Choshu exists?

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>beloved by fans
>draws dimes
>puts on choppa kino
>has nine 5 star matches
>probably sucking on a titty as we speak

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Nujapanlets don’t know, watch or care about anything before the year 2017

I’m sure you know but Choshu was his mentor so of course he’s similar

It’s funny how you call us “nujamals” when OP is a nujamal himself who doesn’t know that Ishii’s wrestling style is Choshu’s and not Tenryu

These are the same morons who actually believe Ospreay and Okada are good wrestlers.
Choshu was a great wrestler but clearly not a great trainer if somebody as terrible as Ishii is his best student.

Ishii is very good, OP. Sorry about your shit taste.

OP is an all japoop obese smelly Smark, Tenryu is more associated with all japoop than Choshu, hence he brought up his name. Tenryu and Choshu had a kinda similar style so he’s not that wrong.
>Ospreay and Okada are good wrestlers.
Did you quote me by a mistake, lil guy? I’d never believe in something as outrageous as that.

I was agreeing with you and refering to the plebs who think Ishii is good. Chances are they're so dumb they think the aforementioned Ospreay and Okada are good. This is not a single good wrestler in modern Nooj aside from maybe, MAYBE, on a good day, Suzuki, and even then he was always outclassed by the likes of Fujiwara and Nishimura.

do any of you people speak japanese or live in japan?

the Nooj sheep in Japan cheer any of the slop put in front of them while I'm actually able to see through that garbage so yeah, I'd say I know more than them. For fuck's sake, in a recent fan poll they said Kenny Omega was the 2nd best gaijin ever. Enough said.

No, but I'm not American either, so I get to impartially judge. And Ishii is great.

because choshu is like 70 years old?

and retired, and yet still a better wrestler than Ishitty kek.

What does that have to do with anything?


The first like 10 Ishii matches I saw, I was in love. I thought it was the best shit I ever seen. But then I kept seeing more, and more, and more of the same and now I can barely stand him, he's so formulaic.

>most overrated wrestler ever.
cm punk
i have never understood what anyone sees in him
he is unauthentic, sloppy and his promos are boring af


Not fluent but enough to have a broken conversation.
Ishii is fucking great.

Maybe Ishii would actually get over if he had a Japanese Potato Farmer gimmick

Don't forget

>the only wrestler to ever pin a champion in the G1 and not get a title shot because Okada is a pussy bitch ass no-draw faggot

This midget sucks

>old good
>new bad
Fuck right off