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lexs mug shot was always dimes

This would be one hell of a roster.

>No Emma

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unbogged charlotte is cute


>perc angle smiling

Why is Charles the only one smiling?

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Fill in the blanks:
Dibaise Jr, Luger, MVP, Jericho, Waltman, Bagwell, ???, Sid, Barrett, Spivey, Michaels
Guerrero, Angle, Lograsso, Booker, Kaitlyn, Brian Christopher, Scott Steiner, Riley, Gaspard, Horace Hogan?, Sunny
O'Haire, Helms, Andre, Daniels, KWAB-boy, Hall, Jeff Hardy, Kong, ???, Lesnar, Billy Gunn
Marella, Flair, Daffney, Sandman, Charlotte, Jannetty, Show, Neidhart, Austin, Koragias?, Matt Hardy
Tomko, Lita, Kanyon, ???, Serena, some Anoai?, Jillian, Test, Sharmell?, Swagger, that guy who did promos against taker and didn't debut?

It's "Dirty" Dick Slater next to Kanyon.

Dan Spivey's cancer gimmick was over with me

Brian Blair next to Bagwell.

What did Hager get arrested for?

Here's my DUI-Mania

Steve Austin vs Ric Flair
Andre The Giant vs Big Show
Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle
Chris Jericho vs Eddie Guerrero
The Rockers vs The Hardy Boyz
The Outsiders vs DX (X-Pac & Billy Gunn)
Totally Buffed vs Scott Steiner & Sid Vicious
Booker T & Test vs Jack Swagger & Wade Barrett
Charlotte Flair vs Awesome Kong
Lita vs Daffney
Sandman vs Kanyon
Jim Neidhart vs Brian Christopher
Dick Slater vs Waylon Mercy

Kaitlyn was prime cutie and thick too, the perfect woman


Benoit ended his career without a mugshot, he was a good man after all

they had her in solitary confinnerment

Did Verne Gagne not get a mugshot when he body slammed that Holocaust survivor to death?

Serena Deeb looks so hot

who goes over?

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Is it sad that I know who most of these people are?

They did nothing wrong. Its literally not possible to live in America without getting arrested by fascist Trump loving police at least once.

I love how every member of the Kliq has a mugshot except Paul.