Would a Clarence Thomas gimmick work?

Who could play his role?

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Based Negro making them libs seethe.

Based conservative black man


a black "heel" who shits on virtue signalling shitlibs would get over like rover but they wouldnt try it because it wouldnt take 5 minutes for people to start cheering him
>being black would keep him from being "cancelled" but the angle would still bring larry fink heat on the company

Bobbo is years in the making

take your shit to pol you pee-brained fuck

I'd cast Mark Henry.

MVP duh, but he should do a Dr Umar gimmick instead.

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ya seethe

There's only 2 honorary blacks allowed in the ethnostate. Clarence is one. Bobby Lashley is the other. So him.

Hobbs. Gotta be Hobbs. Then when Starks objects to it, he can go full "What the fuck is a lightskin going to tell me about what's BEST for Black people? Shut yo yellow ass up" - and just bully the shit out of him. Have him straddle the line between Libertarian and Conservative, regularly crossing back and forth based on completely arbitrary reasoning, be a hypocrite to draw heat, etc.

AEW will never allow it though, Khans don't want to get cancelled and there's a lot of other Republicans/Conservatives high up in the ranks. And Warner/Discovery is run by cucks, which is why CNN has been in the shitter for so long. Just a Deep State mouthpiece network that regular people don't watch unless they're cultists.

its the most obvious easy heat in 2022 and yet it is totally off limits - this is why pro-wrestling is relegated to tandem gymnastics where nothing matters and nobody cares

>Powerbottom Hobbs


>Clarence Thomas
>Uncle Tom


reminder that uncle tom was the hero of that book not that i expect black people to know how to read

blacks believe the civil war was only for slaves’ freedom while in reality other political and economy related factors played part in it

>Uncle Tom's character is sketched with great power and rare religious perception. It triumphantly exemplifies the nature, tendency, and results of Christian non-resistance.Throughout the book, far from allowing himself to be exploited, Tom stands up for his beliefs and refuses to betray friends and family.
>these are bad qualities to niggers

A LOT of them think mlk freed the slaves, acknowledging that white people ended slavery is not apart of their understanding

>tfw live in an alternate universe where the good guys actually won and expanded dixie into south america as they had planned

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Booker T

Isn't that just black Mr Mcmahon?