

Attached: Screenshot_20220629-202204_Twitter.jpg (1080x1113, 473K)

He was working in Disneyland? Did he molest somebody there?

>Cancel culture doesn’t exist

Twitter needs to be shut down

how hard its to google someone? Stupid disney

Be careful who you fuck, lads

no one here will ever have to worry

Truck driving is the safest career for him now.

They probably thought he was just a dude and not any sort of celebrity who could be googled easily.

Honestly not bad money, shit job though

>shit job though
Not being bothered by cancel crews makes it less shittier.

>free speech needs to be shut down

it takes 10 seconds to do. you can do it same time you do backround check. They do backround checks.

Maybe he knew the guy that hired people and gave him a job as a favor

>how hard its to google someone?
All these minimum wage jobs are hiring anyone with a pulse. I've put friends as fake references and employers never even called them to verify I worked at said place

i could understand that. but they do run backround check.

Joey Ryan's questionable past aside. Preventing someone from holding onto an "honest" paycheck will only lead people to commit crimes to get by.
Personally, if I went through the same cancel culture that he did. The moment I was at the very end of my rope I would make it a mission to go visit a few select individuals, in Minecraft.

>one Google search later
Man they really don’t do their research

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Twitter isn't free speech.

its so easy to find where bix lives, in minecraft. all you need to do is wait him to go to his bi daily doctors apointment and blam.

Twitter is a cesspool.

It would most likely be Allie Kat. Most of the women had like friends talk for them because they didn't want to be in the spotlight. Allie Kat loved the spotlight of publicly saying Joey Ryan raped her

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>The moment I was at the very end of my rope I would make it a mission to go visit a few select individuals, in Minecraft.
yep, if they wanna destroy my farm Im finna take a few down with me, starting with bix.

Did you know. in minecraft, police solved about half of murders in recent year. Quite good odds.

I bet he secretly wants that. That way he'll be in the spotlight and maybe get his own Wikipedia article. He wants to be a martyr that'll be remembered instead of being forgotten

that so jewish, in minecraft

>implying that "at the end of my rope" doesn't mean that you are not looking to not get away with it

We need to get him fired from his next job. Sexual harassment is not cool.