What was the last storyline you believed as a kid? I genuinely thought undertaker killed big boss man

What was the last storyline you believed as a kid? I genuinely thought undertaker killed big boss man

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I genuinely thought my father was a good man.

Big Show and Bossman feud. I really thought Show's dad died and that the funeral was real. It's hilarious now looking back.

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I thought Vince and Austin really hated each other.

Well, Eddie is not in heaven

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i remmber choppy xhoppy pee pee being quite harrowing as a kid. And when taker was about to embalm austin or whatever. And kane saying he would set fire to himself. It all felt like very serious business

>Undertaker ascending into heaven vs Yokozuna casket match
I come from a religious family and when I saw Undertakers resurrection I freaked out to my very religious parents that the Undertaker just floated to heaven, and he was the second coming. My dad slapped me across the face and told me it was fake, I asked "Jesus or the Undertaker" he beat the shit out of me after that.

Attached: Undertaker-Yokozuna-Royal-Rumble.gif (213x160, 1.38M)

That's what he gets for interrupting Andre's funeral

MMMM your father sounds badass

i dont get how they did this stunt

they used Big Boss Man's twin


One less cop? Fine by me.

Must have been nice

I thought undertaker really retired cause he lost that TLC match with edge

What an ugly motherfucker

anyone remember when kane put a folding chair on shawn michael neck and jumped down and michaels started speing blood out of his mouth?

Thinking Ole Anderson was really pissed about Lex hanging around the Horseman and him attacking Tully and JJ cos Tully talked shit about his kid.
Then again, Ole probably really did hate Tully and JJ and really got pissed about Tully talking shit about his kid cos Ole always worked his real life anger and grievances into his angles. He wasn't really a selfmark, just liked to make it look real.
Also thought Nikita was really Russian until he got engaged and married. Thing is, Nikita started to believe he was Russian, too, until he turned face

None of them. Everything is bullshit. Even God.
