Soon to be retired professional wrestler Bryan R. Danielson (41) enjoying a treat

Soon to be retired professional wrestler Bryan R. Danielson (41) enjoying a treat.

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Bryan's fav a black gentleman coom cake

>replies 1
>posters 1

cry harder

Attached: BryanTheSpermEater.png (580x622, 407.89K)

i'll cry as hard as big kev on that fateful night


Bryan loves the taste of manseed after that fateful day in 2010

6 / 1 / 3 / 1
What upset wolfcuck now

somehow wolfcuck doesn’t kop a ban. must be sucking off the janny

>1 minute 1 second apart

get a load of the seething cope here

get it through your thick skull cunt, you fucked up and wrong mf'er, you can't post here like you did in past, keep spinning wheels you dumb faggot


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>has spent half a decade seething over a meme
>accomplished nothing to stop it
lol. if i didn't know better i'd think you were a dedicated 92 poster trying to keep the meme alive as long as possible.

your spam is no better

lol your meme is dead af and the murks will only get worse, you lifes work down the toilet, you can spin wheels on a dead board as much as you want and think you are winning

i left for 15 months, ive told you this 100x, i still checked in and observed from time to time, you didn't stop, THIS IS YOUR LIFE, ive seen the proof, when i was gone you feuded witha fake boogeyman and larped as Wolfcuck, i saw everything, that's why i came back and fucked your pathetic lifes work up

you're welcome cunt, and don't think WE are going away ever, nah the pleasure we get from ruining your LIFES work is amazing

>wall of seethe
based 92 poster keeping the rape meme alive

didn’t ask. don’t care. also you are mentally ill. lol


Attached: WOLFIE ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU OKAY?.jpg (272x255, 22.75K)

As an outside viewer, you're both pathetic and the only thing that makes you worse is that you somehow view your self as some sort of crusader. You both need to touch grass BADLY. You're such a weirdo you admit to not being able to remove your self from it even over a "15 month period" which by the way no one buys because you've been here everyday for the past year. For the love of god get some fucking help and stop punishing the rest of the board with your severe mental illness.

biggest faggot in the thread. probably fresh of the reddit boat


Truth hurts huh? Look I get that all you can do is lash out because of how angry you are but you really gotta redirect some of that energy into improving your self. Your parents can't be proud of you man, this is a pathetic existence. You've replaced actual goals with winning some imaginary war about memes involving fictional rape. It really doesn't get more pathetic than that. Please I'm begging ya to seek help.

kek it really do be like that