Paige is a slut. Adam Cole sucks my ass and would get raped in a female prison

Paige is a slut. Adam Cole sucks my ass and would get raped in a female prison.
Hulkamania forever.


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Let me tell you something brother!
Paige is a slut you're a right but a slut who will never fuck you kek. Adam cole has his hot wife you got your lotion and porn brother!


His bitch looks like a horse.
Are you the guy that spends 16hours a day on here to defend Sasha Banks? You fucking suck and your life is a waste, bro.

Says the guy single in his 30s living with his mom.

... and you missed twice.
What's with your mom?
Is she proud, that her son lives in an internet fantasy world?

Stop projecting. The truth is you'll never be able to pull anything not even a "horse faced" bitch like Britt Baker lmao all you have is porn and lotion

Why do you do, what you do on here?
What made you so obsessed?

good morning sir

holy based

You're the one who replied to me. Is it because paige won't fuck you or is the fact that adam cole looks like a geek but is fucking everyday and night and you're not. Which one of those triggered your sperg response.

Paige is queen of abortions
Cole cant get anyone pregnant.

>would get raped in a female prison.
Go on...

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I'm just having fun being a dick while sobering up.
I can put my phone down and meet other people.
But you?
Why can't you leave?
What's your reason for spending most of your life defending wrestlers who don't give a single fuck about you?

l can't tell if you're being genuine with all these posts or if you're just working a gimmick but either way you're mentally ill.
Just take a break from Any Forums.

I legit believe that sashaschizo is gay for mikaze. I didn't even know who that guy was but he always talks about him. Imagine being that much of a loser, the dude is only known because of some horse bitch he married but doesn't even fuck.

Im not the sashaschizo poster paranoid idiot. Lmao

Says the guy offended at what he reads at Any Forums take your own advice and gtfo

Atom Smol GAY GAY

Haha that caught me off good thanks for the kek

Fuck sluts

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