Just how explosive was Kevin "The Outsider" Nash?

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he was white hot explosive once they scraped him off of that alley floor in the summer of 92. I hear he was exploding white for 6 hours after that.

nobody's joking ese

He could handle assaults like nobody else

some people exploded inside him from what I heard, though I could be wrong

Oh my god



Goodness Gracious!

It's been 5 years and your gay little meme still isn't over.

Bruh this 92 shit bussin rn on god.



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Wolfcuck is sliding this thread kwab.

He still is lmao


Summah of 92

Awwww fuck Nashxisters here we go again

oh no no no no

I was at Walmart the other day when I saw Kevin R. Nash, I'm not sure what he was doing there, but he seemed to be looking for something. I tried to avoid him, but he suddenly turned and looked at me. His eyes were cold and lifeless, like a doll's. I tried to walk away, but he followed me. I could feel his eyes on me, boring into the back of my head. I quickened my pace, but he matched it. I was about to turn and run when he suddenly grabbed my arm. His grip was like iron. I tried to pull away, but I couldn't. He stared at me with those cold, dead eyes and said, "I know what you did." I didn't know what he was talking about, but I could see the madness in his eyes. I tried to pull away again, but he tightened his grip. I could feel his fingers digging into my skin. I was about to scream when he gave me a sly grin then suddenly let go and walked away, chuckling to himself. I turned and ran the other way, not looking back. I don't know what he was talking about, but I know I never want to see him again.

are you black ?

...yes, why?

we ALL know what you did

>Hey Mr Vegas you can take a shortcut down that alley

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