That match VS Ishii

>That match VS Ishii
Holy shit. Ok, yeah, Clark Connors is good. Who else a Rhynochad now?

Attached: ClarkConnors_20220524_1-240x320.png (240x320, 130.17K)

Good wrestler but his jeep flip is still trash.

All those qualifier matches were great. Clark's best showing in Japan for sure.

Isn't he like 4ft tall?

He's a Junior, yeah, but he's taller than Ishii and is decently bulky. I could see him making the jump to Heavyweight, but if he stays as a Powerhouse in the Junior Division, I think that would be based too. Either ways, I think he's gonna end up being a pretty big deal in New Japan.

Honma is too busted up, unfortunately. It was a good match as it was laid out, but...

Damn Hangman looking chiseled

literally who

Him vs Ishii is as good as his match against Uemura years ago.
If this standard is his best, he's already in the top 5% of active in-ring workers.
But he's still young so he'll get even better. Looking forward to what else he can bring.

They weren't afraid of hitting each other really hard. Those elbows and choppas were great.

He's a great wrestler, I'm not sure on the Crocodile Dundee gimmick though.

>Hangman if he stops taking estrogen

You could see they really switched to a higher gear during that chop exchange. Connors was already trying to bait Ishii with his elbows but Ishii was still kinda coasting along. Then Connors hit that first really hard chop and Ishii was like OH YOU WAN PRAY HARD and he returned the favour.
I remember at least one pretty nasty looking headbutt too. Truly Shibata's student.

True. After Taiji, Takahashi and Kanemaru failed to make it look good, now Ishii too. Dude should just drop that move. It's so much set up for a shove. And his actual normal tackles look much better anyways.

Ishii thought he was facing another Kingston-esque bitch-made gaijin kek it was great to see them go full on. And the fact the match ended up being a little over 10 minutes was a plus in my book.

Yeah Connors passed the choppa test.
Ishii was also quite masterful in subtly selling his knee injury from his previous match.

But is he a Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels acolyte? Only when I get this answer will I know if he's based or not.

He's a Sidchad, brother. And that's a shoot.

Holy based

Well he's definitely not a Gay Magazine Posing Homosexual, I can tell you that much

But you know who is...

Attached: I think it was a gay magazine.jpg (449x299, 18.17K)

damn hangman looking good.