Since they haven't mentioned what it is, it's gotta be that he swiss-cheesed his brain again, right...

Since they haven't mentioned what it is, it's gotta be that he swiss-cheesed his brain again, right? That's usually what it means when they don't mention it :(

Attached: markwithholesinhisbrain.jpg (275x183, 11.41K)

nah u did

hes still dealing with complications regarding the event that occurred in 2010

dear oh dear

What happened with Daniel Bryan in 2010?

well he allegedly got the patented Kevin Nash treatment in 2010

They did say he wasn't able to fly and that means concussions.


Vince was right again. Dude is 100 for 100.

>gets a career-ending and potentially life threatening concussion working some match people have already forgotten about


lads you're not supposed to mention this, cryanfag doesn't like it and he will accuse you of being wolfie

How did it happen? Who's fault was it? Anybody have a webm of him getting hurt?

based thread i love wolfpactv and my discord friends

this but unironically

He was definitely concussed for the 17th time in that retarded garbage match.

it could be just the accumulation of taking regular bumps since his return. Sub-concussive trauma still causes brain injury, and his brain was fragile in the first place. He should just retire and spend his time with his family

oh fuck I forgot that was the match he got injured in

It's a concussion 100%. I'd imagine they're going to be very cautious in clearing him, and wouldn't expect them to clear him just for the sake of the PPV. I'd imagine we'll get Bryan/ZSJ on a future Dynamite or AEW PPV though, Tony doesn't like teasing matches and then abandoning them when it comes to his favs.

Vince is right that smaller people get hurt working a WWE schedule. However, he still has his buggy hitched to a cancerous horse so he can't be that bright. Hell, they still do house show loops even though they're money losers.

>new gimmick is the "Brain Scrambler," who forced the most beloved wrestler in modern smark history into retirement
would it get over?

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poor widdle cryan!

fudgepacked and sissy