Resident Evil Thread

Where should I start if I want to get into this series? Are the original games better, or are the remasters? Any games I should avoid?

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>where to start
You posted it. If you enjoy that then you'll enjoy the originals too. Start with that to see if you like it, then play original 1, 2, 3, Code Veronica, 0, 4. Skip everything else, when all is said and done the other games aren't really worth it

The original and remasters almost feel like different games. I'd start with the op pic.
I don't think there are any games you should avoid, even 5/6 have a place if you can find someone to play with.

>even 5/6 have a place if you can find someone to play with
Should I skip them if I don't have someone to play with?

order of release until 0, skip 4-5-6, play 7, skip 8, play RE2R, skip 3R, play revelations 2 and that's about it

for sure, they really arent worth the play alone.

I find it really difficult to advise potential new fans what to do because as a long time fan i just want to say "release order" so you come to understand and fully appreciate how RE1 became REmake. But if you have to start with REmake it's not a bad choice because it really represents perfectly what so many of the games are about and if you like it then you will like those, but if you don't like REmake then you will know for sure most of the series is not for you.
IF you are going to start with REmake OP, just make sure when you are done that you then continue on in release order. Play RE1, RE2, RE3, Code Veronica, RE0, RE4 and so on. Don't skip the original RE2 and RE3 for their remakes but DO play their remakes at the end of all your playthroughs.

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Remake 1 > 1 and 2. Purist fags are wrong. Only other one I’ve played is 5 which is good if you play it split screen and not really a horror game.

> Don't skip the original RE2 and RE3 for their remakes but DO play their remakes at the end of all your playthroughs.
I'm probably not going to play both the originals and the remakes. I don't know how different they are, which is why I asked.

the 2 & 3 remakes are completely different games

Remake 1 is kino so you can skip the original
Remake 2 is kino but so isn’t the original. I’d play remake 2 because if remake 1 does everything the original re 2 does but better.
Remake 3 is shit. I haven’t played original 3 so I can’t comment.

Remake 2 is kino but so is the original. I’d play remake 2 because remake 1 does everything the original re 2 does but better

Play the very first Resident Evil game to get a baseline understanding of what the series actually is

>definitely play
Anything pertaining to RE1/2, remakes included

>should play
Code Veronica
Revelations 1/2

>only play if you like co-op

>can probably skip
Most side games unless they REALLY speak to your interests

Listen how accessible is the original 90's trilogy for you? Do you have literally any experience with fixed camera angle/tank control games at all? Are you comfortable with low poly PS1 aesthetics when you play games?

>demake 2
shit eater

>Do you have literally any experience with fixed camera angle/tank control games at all?
>Are you comfortable with low poly PS1 aesthetics when you play games?

Pretty good list. Personally I'd put Outbreak in "should play" as well.

But can you easily play the original RE1, RE2 and RE3? What means do you have?

What's wrong with Zero? I liked it. Granted I haven't played through it again since launch, but I liked it.

RE5 is perfectly fine solo, just give sheva sniper rifle and automatic weapon and she's surprisingly capable of not being walking waste of bullets

Its.a type of horror like the series isn't consistent in its own way you poser

also why would you put Revs into should play and 3make to skip, it might have some content cut from OG, but it's still very fun game

Do you think we will ever see huge video game jumps like this again? This was only 5 year difference too

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Not him, I also like it, but I can see why people wouldn't. Dropping items instead of using an item box can be a pain sometimes, plus it fucks around with the lore quite heavily.

I have a pc and I'm ok with using emulators.

Diminishing returns