How do we fix the immersive sim genre?

How do we fix the immersive sim genre?

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Prey 2017 be like

I don't even know what that is.

more like drug addict morning routine

Girls who live like this and obsessively document their lives online are closer to being like Patrick Bateman than any dude who's obsessed with Fight Club and Ryan Gosling.

this equivalent of black hand hovering over many games

women be like "this isnt hoarding"

imagine your skin absorbing all those different chemicals. no wonder people get cancer

/X/ had a name for this shit that women do. Shampoo shelves or something to that extent. It really is filthy and unnerving.

Reject modernity, return to Ultima Underworld

it puts the lotion on its skin

no wonder they look 45 at 25

Ryan should have been Angelface, fuck Jared Leto

Am I the only nigger in existence that loves the Dishonored games?

Attached: 1662962938976218.webm (480x852, 2.86M)

Nigger as in literal black person or nigger more broadly as in just any person?


>don't date ugly chicks bro trust me I'm 25 and very knowledgable fr

I am white and I liked Dishonored (first one, didn't play others yet) though I was kind of disappointed the lore was so barebones.
Fucking Arx Fatalis had more books to read.

In that case no you're not alone. I never played them but they get plenty of praise afaik.

start with giving it a name that isnt retarded

No worries OP. I am actually working on an immersive sim. Currently I'm at the stage of coming up with ideas and remembering them, after which I plan to learn programming and 3D modelling. Give me a few years.

What's wrong with "immersive sim"?