I feel so empty inside and i realised videogames are waste of time because the games dont make your life better...

i feel so empty inside and i realised videogames are waste of time because the games dont make your life better, why should I keep playing videogames, even if I do nothing is satisfying anymore.

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Ya you probably should have lived an actual life instead of defining your entire existence around playing videogames.

whats even there to do outside? its really shallow

It's not videogames' fault, dude. They didn't make you boring and rob you of meaning.

Yes, they're a massive waste of time. You can go back to your normalfag life now.

>Zoomers have internalized Any Forums talking points
We did it robots, the beta uprising was a success

but not as shallow as your bideo games right LOL

You never had a chance

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You never see threads on Any Forums about how lifting is a waste of time or Any Forums saying to stop watching movies.
Why it happens on Any Forums?

i am addicted to porn and video games and this meme does not speak to me

Onions boy

Video games are a leisure activity you engage in during your free time because you enjoy doing so. If you don't then don't play video games and fuck off.

This meme is retarded
Having video games as a primary hobby is why I'm cursed with an overactive imagination and have replaced drive with retreating into fantasy, making me unable to relate to boring and serious people

>blame video games
>but not Any Forums
every time with these autists

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you can:
run or jog
3 point shots on your local public apehoop court (or play against people that are already playing)
do some circus skill practice in your local park
also tons of other activities that require money like getting drunk

They get better again if you stop playing every day and force yourself to gobble fotm hypeshit.

He's just one guy why blame the hacker Any Forums?

cursed demonic reality gives you things just to take them away again

Nah, you're just overusing them because the internet has conditioned you to do so. You are at fault to some degree, but social media and digital entertainment have gotten so good at getting rid of boredom, that it's become a pretty big issue for a lot of people.
All those things can be fun and useful in moderation. Even though it can be quite difficult, I'd suggest just being bored more often. It'll make you think about what you want to do with your time more, leading you to do what you enjoy doing. Set up an hour during a day where you can either be bored and do nothing or you can do something productive.

all this shit is fixable. i was a retarded kissless, handholdless neet too afraid to order from the drive thru until I was 24, and virgin until 27.

It's because you don't think you deserve happiness.

ah yes, *I* wasted my childhood, yes, I as a 5 year old sat down and considered my options, and chose video games instead of giving the manager a firm handshake and looking him in the eye

boomer moment

I was alone because I was scared shitless of social interactions due to my autism
Not because of vidya or anime or memes. If those didn't exist, I wouldn't have magically become sociable and normal

zoomers are so fucking pathetic

It's all the same shit. I don't remember every concert I went to, or every girl's ass I slapped on an outing, or every night I drank away with friends. It's all a waste. What matters is making sure you have food in your stomach and a bed to sleep in at the end of the day.

If you weren't playing games you would be taking part in another hobby. No one is 100% productive during waking hours

Because people are still brainwashed by the stigma from 20-30 years ago. Yeah I spend a lot of time playing video games but I also never watch tv shows or movies which 90% of the population seems to waste a ton of time doing.

This. Everything is just a scam to get money and the free places are disappearing every year.

this is the most faggoty thread on this board right now, it's really impressive in a way.

depressed babies feeding on memes.

Why did you describe the actions of a black person?

Gamers are the most susceptible to being terminally online husks