No split screen co op

>no split screen co op
>no major game updates in months
>halo show is getting a season 2
>now this
It’s fucking over

Attached: Crowbcat halo.jpg (750x294, 34.67K)

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where did he comment this?

crowbat cat is literally just a clip channel. why exactly do people care so much about crowbat specifically? he does a good job at what he does, but really anyone can make this content

man i hate those faggots

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>>halo show is getting a season 2
How? Wasn't it universally panned?

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They problably paid for it prior to the premiere like retards.

Halo Infinite will be cancelled by early 2023
Forge mode and Online CO-OP will be canned

Hollywood, particularly groups like Paramount, are literqlly immune to backlash and poor reception. If they planned something, it will happen no matter what.

what, is he going to do another tribute video with johnny cash music in the background?

I wish he did 2042 or all of the battlefield series as a whole instead, what a fucking trainwreck that shit has been.

Why don't you do it, then?

The new thing is paying for 2 seasons immediately so 10 years on you can pretend the show wasn't a total fucking 1 season disaster. TV and streaming are in such rough shape they'll do anything to pad the numbers

>but really anyone can make this content
Like who? I don't see anyone else doing it, definitely not with the same editing skills

anyone can make this content yet he is the only one really makes you think

notice how three of you responded and no one gave me a single thing he does that no one else can do?

I like him because he's not a retarded eceleb showcasing his quirky personality

In his Halo video is particular he does an excellent job of contrasting why 343 is doing such a horrible job with the old bungie devs explaining what made the originals good. There’s already videos like his that are well done he just happens to be the most popular.

Services tend to pay for 2 seasons (at the price of one) to be produced. Release one season to see if it sticks. If it does you pay for another two (at the price of one) and ride it to death.
If it doesnt stick, you still made money out of it. You release the 2nd season and dont need to pay actors/production team amymore. Its specially worse for animation shows

Beware, they already have a season 2 of Rings of Power ready to edit and release

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Crowbcat is a fucking idiot when it comes to Halo though. I doubt he even played the games until he got caught on fucking up. He had that Halo 5 bullet magnetism video up on his channel for years leading everyone to believe that it was some departure for the series when it was standard. Halo 2's bullet magnetism and auto aim made Halo 5's look nearly nonexistent. Then some 343 shill utterly shat all over him and he quietly took it down.
You could argue that he did the right thing in the end except that anyone who's played the games for even 10 seconds would be able to tell he was bullshitting. It's such a core part of the game feel for Halo that you can't not notice it. The only way for him to make that mistake would be if he never played it, had obscenely terrible memory, or was so shit at all of them that it wouldn't have mattered.
>hurrr ur 343 shill how dare you insult my master
The only Halo games I have installed are MCC on my Xbox and Custom Edition on a USB. 343 are fucking retards and Infinite is such a poisoned well that it'll take them two years AT LEAST to even sort out the previous mess. MCC took five.
That doesn't change the fact that Crowbcat is a fake ass shitter retard.

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What's with this retarded prideful mentality where losing a gorillion dollars for a take nobody wanted is somehow a better outcome than taking criticism seriously?

Make videos comparing old and new games purely on a technical level without the need for annoying commentary
If anyone can do it, then find me just ONE(1) other Youtuber that makes videos in the same style

>Crowbcat literally destroyed Capcom Vancouver
will never not be funny

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They have almost unlimited money, what they don't have is influence, so if they spend a gorillion dollars tricking people into thinking CNN is the most watched news channel and so on and so on its basically future proofing themselves

Because it's all mostly a money laundering front to move funds around to certain contractors.