There is a conscious effort behind the scenes to kill off what's quietly referred to as the "prior standard" video...

There is a conscious effort behind the scenes to kill off what's quietly referred to as the "prior standard" video games. If you thought G.G. was insidious then you would blow your top if you heard some of the same high-level executives I have refer to older games as "problematic", "too white" and "dead-ends". It is not a coincidence that a lot of new games seem like they are deliberately sabotaging older brands, as a lot of it genuinely is the systemic pruning and dumbing-down of the industry so that (after a dark period) a new generation of video game purchasers will be accustomed to and complacent with manipulative practices.

This isn't a 100% carpet bombing of the industry (a lot of smaller or indie devs aren't invited so they continue striving to make fun games) but most brands you'd recognize by name aren't interested in good games. They are effectively setting fire to their own properties because they know, at their financial level, they can absorb the blow and buy out any overly-threatening competition. Video games WILL be shit if they have their way.

Attached: gabe.jpg (946x525, 122.77K)

What are you on?

>thing that happened to film, tv and music will happen to vidya
brilliant insight

Even if OP is larping as a high level insider, I believe the point made is right

Which is why I will stick to playing old games.

I hate Any Forums crossposterfags so much it's unreal

can't believe Gabe lost weight, him being fat was so iconic

well can see this being reflected in absolutely everything. from entertainment to the education system.

Attached: 1663267048084273.jpg (946x525, 139.24K)

I'm a retard and will now close the thread in shame.

so normie games will be garbage like normies movies are garbage
big fuckind deal

You'll get 'em next time boss

>Everything they said sounds insane and has no facts to support it
>but I FEEL like its right
gamergate was a mistake.

NPC thread.

>everything he said has already started happening and been happening
18+ you nigger loving zoomer faggot

Wait, is that really Gaben?!

You deserve the shit the industry (and all others) will serve you, useless faggot

Have you not noticed the massive drop in the number and quality of AAA games? I'm not even talking about comparing to 20 years ago, even 5 years ago wasn't as bad. Games are easier to make than ever, they're taking longer to make than ever, so with increased productivity and more development time we should get better quality, yet we don't. And graphics aren't even improving very much. Where are the good games? We used to get a slew of game releases starting in september. Now we get service bs, service games almost never get sequels which mean they almost never get technical or gameplay improvements, just systems. AAA is objectively getting worse, unless you're a zogbot who only ever wants to play 1 game.
Indie devs, while still mostly being shit, are the only people keeping pace with the advancements in toolsets. Eventually they will make better games than AAA studios in every metric because they utilize the increased productivity, that's why we see so many indie games. Obviously there will still be the low effort garbage indie games. But the top 20% of indie games will be atleast as good as the top 20% of AAA games while having 20x the number of products.

All indie devs with promise are bought out, gutted and replaced with Indian diaper-teams while the original indie devs are SLAPP'd with phony sex pest lawsuits.

even then that only works so many times
is right, indie devs will be times more productive than AAA devs walking on egshells around HR and suits

Let's get one thing straight: kikes decide what becomes successful and what doesn't only if the company is publicly owned.

I don't think this is a conscious effort to make gaming worse, but rather the result of stagnation caused by companies trying to play it safe, that slowly degraded as the pool of what is considered "safe" get smaller and smaller as one company after another oversaturate the market with the same garbage, and making buyers disinterested.
Video games, like nearly all medias, thrive from experimentation, doesn't matter what game you make, the good ones are the ones who try to do something different from everyone else.
Except that those attempt don't always succeed, and while indie devs don't usually have much consequence for failure, major video game companies usually create games that cost in millions.
Companies basically shoved themselves into a wall of their own design by making games more and more expensive to make, and as a result, riskier to produce.