Americans will defend this

>Americans will defend this

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Can I remove body 2's top?

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What is this?

what game you fogats

Pavement Brawler 6

pavement puncher vee eye

chuds lost
the world is moving along without you and your backwards views

Liberty Streets 6: beat up the fascist

Nobody in america likes this shit. It's performed by a board of directors who listen to the extreme vocal minority on twitter because they think they'll be able to reduce negative press.

Aight serious question. Who the fuck cares? Like about the whole tranny nonsense, why the fuck would I take any of my time to give a fuck? Doesn't affect me at all and I'm not fucking interested, so why are you spamming threads about this shit like it matters to anybody for any reason?

Roadway Rumbler 6

Is America really the source of ALL this cancer?

I don't get it what's the problem?

>I’m a chud that is still ass mad Trump was voted out in the most secure election and that I can’t blame all my problems on Jewish people
What’s it’s like living like this? Have you shut yourself off from all media?

if you are mad about this you are a fucking idiot looking for outrage you play as a man or a woman stop this stupid fucking shitposting

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every game will have personal pronouns
deal with it

I don't understand the need to label them. The picture literally shows it if you want to be "gender neutral." All 1&2 and A&B do is make it look like even more of a joke.

Honestly, would be really funny to see some kind of retarded shitpost about how it's demeaning for women to be the B and 2 options.

>Who the fuck cares?
I kept asking myself that too, until it slowly ate more and more and more things I cared about. Now I can't make a woman in a video game, I have to make an ambiguous mystery meat lump of flesh because being called a woman may offend a tranny somewhere. do we explain this?

yes, their collapse would solve all problems in the world

Culture war exists to distract people from class disparity user, it's entirely fabricated and people are retarded for paying ANY attention to it instead of going after the fucks that are ACTUALLY harming you. But no, let's all be whiny faggots going on about how people's genital configuration and psyche are not appealing to us, how horrid!

The same reason people get mad when devs make changes to appease China.

>User was banned for this post

>If you believe men and women are real, you're a trump supporter

>male is #1
kinda misogynistic there, capcock

you're the type of person who'd celebrate a 5 minute unskippable blm memorial splash screen because it gives you more time to prepare a snack. absolute bootlicking consoomer mindset.

Everyone outside the US is fine with this. It's Republikkkans that shit their pants over it.

Fuck off you little whiny bitch. "I can't make a woman in a video game waaaaah bawwww they changed the words and now it's diiiffreeeent weeeehhhh" Like holy fucking shit dude how petty can you be? What the actual fuck are you on?

t. American

Because then suddenly decency and morals matter, user. Don't you know these """people""" run on hypocrisy?

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>Oh shit he's right I have no comeback!
>Time to break out the strawman lol! :^)

>Like holy fucking shit dude how petty can you be? What the actual fuck are you on?
Not as petty as the people who get triggered by biological fact.

Your whining projection doesn't change the fact that I wanted to be left alone, now I can't be. If you're asking why I should care; I have to ask why you changed it.

I usually don't say this. But you really will own nothing and be happy.

why do you hate women you incel freak?


Cause the internet is le serious business and gotta fight le heckin culture war.

Everybody beware.

This is a tranny shill. They masquerade as asking "who even cares?" Because they just want people to ignore it, which means it will happen and they will grab more while chasing their fetish

lel, this shit screams American about as loudly as an obese man in a mobility scooter.

>I totally don't care guys!
>This is why I will post in this thread and talk about how much I don't care instead of just ignoring it!

>I want to be left alone
Not as petty as the retard who thinks this way. I'm choosing not to participate, you're acting like an offended baby because of that.

I wonder if you from 5 years ago would have believed you'd be defending the erasure of human sex.

why did they arbitrarily decide to change 'sex' with 'body type'
i genuinely dont understand
do they think people will see trannies as less repulsive if they do?

>gets called out for what he is
>pay no attention to the man under the mask!!

You've still not explained the merit of caring, niggers. All I'm seeing is whiny bitches going "weeeeh bawwww they changed things in a way that doesn't affect a fucking thing how hoooorrrible"

>Confusing the distraction for the issue
Bruh. Trannies are the distraction. Corporate ownership of your own possessions is the actual issue. The only relation they have is that corporations use the former to distract you from the latter, and bitching about the former just means they succeeded.

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how brain broken are you?

>Oh shit I got BTFO
>I'll just call him names this means I win!
Bruh. You will never be a woman, using women's tricks isn't going to help you. Address the issue head-on or fuck off you pathetic fool.

we don't; that neoliberal shit. Stalin would have put 'em in the Gulag.

More like entire Westoid Woke Vermin will defend that, or tell you "I don't care" lol

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>China forces dumb changes
>Everyone gets mad

>America forces dumb changes
>It's okay when we do it

Why are Americans like this?

Why change the words >though? No need to there's only two genders after all

>N-no I was just calling you what you are!
Sure thing mate, very cool. Maybe go have a bit of a break until your balls have dropped before coming back here buddy. This femine whining is unsightly.

Sims 5

direction brain

>one x chromosome
>two x chromosomes
makes sense

>You've still not explained the merit of caring, niggers. All I'm seeing is whiny bitches going "weeeeh bawwww they changed things in a way that doesn't affect a fucking thing how hoooorrrible"
I asked a question, retard. I said "If you're asking why I should care; I have to ask why you changed it."
Why was it changed if it is something I shouldn't care about?

Stay, obsessed yuroDOG

>Why change it
Who. The fuck. Cares? Out of all the things to care about, to try and affect, why the fuck did you pick THIS of all things? Pathetic. Fight real battles rather than this juvenile play-pretend culture war drivel, go after corporate greed and not the smokescreen of culture war gobbledigook.

They aren't wrong though.

Not as brain broken as the people who need billionaire corporations to protect them from seeing "man" or "woman".

>Americans are actually defending this

So you can make Poison. What's the problem?

>everyone that doesn't care about tranny shit is a leftist

>Why was it changed if it is something I shouldn't care about?
Bruh. Go back to school and don't drop out this time, trying to use circular logic is the surest sign of a complete retard.
>N-no I care because they changed it which means I should care because they wouldn't change it if it isn't something I should care about
Like nigger what the fuck??

>Trannies are the distraction. Corporate ownership of your own possessions is the actual issue.
You really shouldn't oversimplify things like this. You're clearly leading yourself to really dumb conclusions.

>Street fighter 6 looks so fucking generic there are screenshot of the game that have people ask "what game?"

I fucking hate this timeline

oh no... not body types...
>*goes back to my main because i dont play fighting games for anything other than fighting*

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>real battles
Pray tell, what's a 'real battle'? When can I start caring?

>Asking people why they care means "defending it"
>Still can't answer why caring about it is worthwhile
Pathetic. A warrior in a crusade of nothing. A champion of a cause for fools and halfwits. Meaningless, and pointless.

If no one cares then why do they change it? Obviously someone(freaks) care enough to warrant a change(idiocy)

Why do people get mad when changes are made to appease China? You're just defending this because it's American flavoured shit.

It was changed because trannies are special snowflakes that need meaningless changes to feel better about themselves, and the ultimate goal of any company is to make as much money as possible, from as many consumers as possibles.

So why do you care about a change that is embarrassingly meaningless?

>Nips did something stupid
>"Hurr WTF, Nip is dead"
>Chinks did something stupid
>"It's okay because it's "fun" "
Why are Chinkshills like this ?

You didn't answer the question again, curious!
If I shouldn't care about it, why was it something important enough to change?
>N-no I care because they changed it
Wow! Words I never said! I never said that's why I care, I asked why it's important enough to change if I shouldn't care about it.

Why can't Any Forums comprehend that there are males with body type 2 and females with body type 1?

Reminder that "who cares" is never neutral and always means "just accept the leftist stance".

((They)) will keep telling you "I don't care" or "nobody cares" in every thread and everywhere just to show how much they actually really care lol.

It's called reversed manipulation.

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The concerted effort by the power to erase the existence of human sex is a concern for some people.

>Says he doesn't care but lashes out when questioned

notice how people like this only say this shit to the people criticizing the changes but never the people making them. if you believed what you said you'd agree that the entire push for troonery is a distraction on both ends and should be stopped on both ends.

Feel free to actually point out the error instead of just going "n-no you're kinda wrong guy!" because such childish drivel is a waste of time. Why should I, or anyone, care about culture war bullshit? Nobody can answer this simple question. Not to me, nor yourself, apparently. Outraged at nothing. Apathetic about that which has real meaning. Keep consuming, stooge.

looks like a cute girl what's the problem

I like how you didn't answer his question and just repeated yourself again like the honest individual you are.
So this is all for corporations to make money?

Trannies are not welcome in mexico

I hate America of todays...


>Y-you didn't answer my question
Why would I? You haven't answered mine. You're just being facetious because you have no answer, stop pretending otherwise, child.

Answer this . You're just defending this because it's American flavoured shit.

Colombian trannies are better anyway

We have perfectly usable words to describe these. Male and female. Why are we consciously avoiding these basic words?

Sure it's a small deal, but at what point to we stop avoiding common words to appeal to lunatics who can't hear them?

What if I don't care about the corporation's bottom line? Couldn't you say the same thing about any manner of DLC, DRM, addition to any game? Why draw the line at this one and say "Well you shouldn't care about it"

Steroid Fighters 6

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? Is this American literary skill on display? Lmao.

Proved my point

>Nobody in america likes this shit
liberal hellholes, the ones responsible for this, slurp this shit up. this is a leftist thing.

Any Forums actually wants everything to be pozzed because t so they need to be angry

>So this is all for corporations to make money?
You're retarded if you think it's ever been about anything else. Anyone and everyone is a commodity.

Because I fail to see how type 1/type 2 has a tangible effect on the game's quality or production.

so the millions of illegal immigrants flooding in from mexico are all trannies escaping?
no wonder the media defends them so hard

Death to America

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Cause it's OK apparently for America to do all the same evil shit that China or Russia does because of democracy or something

Non-trannies. So everyone except you.

At least I'll be ashamed of who i am, instead of being shamed by nature for trying to be what i am not.

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Posting on Any Forums in general is a waste of time. The power commands groups to advance its interests. The interests of those groups are correlated to the interests of the power. The 'elites' are not smart enough to create culture issues as 'distractions' while they move in the dark. The things you think 'no one should care about' are the things your enemies are pushing.

>Why would I? You haven't answered mine.
What a childish, stupid thing to say. Clearly this matters a whole bunch to you, because apparently saying 'I don't like it' isn't good enough. So why make the change if it's not a big deal?
why say my opinion doesn't matter if me disliking it is so important to you? you keep replying, after all. Clearly I'm the most important thing going on in this thread to you.

if the rest of the world were as easily triggered as Any Forums you literally would not be able to leave your house anymore

>Americans will defend this
No. Americans CAUSED this

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Not that guy, but it's pretty clear that the user you're talking to is annoyed at these developer's passive-progressive attempts to look like they're solving a problem when there never really was one.

Personally, I don't care too much, but it's pretty clear that some people do. So now I ask the same question the other user asked, why did they change it? For what purpose?

Also, this is a good point. If they're just different 'body types' why are they treated differently in regards to the gender stereotypical clothing options and gender based taboos?

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If you aren't against it, you tacitly support it. And fooling nobody denying it, retard.

I have no real horse in that race either. Why the fuck should I give a shit about what companies do to appeal to China? Can you answer me that, at least? You keep asking questions and ask why I don't answer but you've made no effort to answer yourself. Disgusting hypocrisy.

how troons explain this phenomenon?