Deltarune status update
Deltarune status update

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>Between 3, 4, and 5, we've already exceeded a chapter's worth of bullets, cutscenes, and gimmicks.

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This image is listed as "ch4" meaning it's in chapter 4.

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I just checked, every screenshot except for the green room are from chapter 4

What happened to chapter 3...

Fuck you all I don't care

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>(Like, PRIVACY much? God, living with Azzy made you weird.)

>Those TV's
Makes me think at least one character will use the TV head as their design

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The end of hometown bay sounds like Gaster's theme reversed or something but I could also be hearing things since Gaster's theme is a very simple tune

Holy fuck that hip shop remix for the Green Room, goddamn that's my shit.

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So 3-5 will most likely release Christmas 2023 maybe even early 2024 right? That's pretty sad. Some anons were theorising Christmas this year lol.


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So do you think this is their actual sprite or purposely made black to avoid spoilers?

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user what he's trying to say is that you've got to wait 2 more years for it to be finished.

What is that darkner on the top right? They're definitely not from the first or the second chapters. And it does seem like they'd fight you since they're grouped next to other fighting darkners.

Attached: darkner.png (671x471, 38.05K)

Probably their actual sprite, I'm assuming it'll be from some like black and white movie area in chapter 3 since that seems to be movie themed now and the screenshot is from chapter 4

well, he sure is playing that fucking sax like a boss

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We're going to see Mettaton, aren't we?

Why do people want Ralsei to be gay so much?


...because they're gay and like his appearance? idk

I don’t get why 3, 4 and 5 are going to be released at the same time. One chapter every 6 months/year would be the perfect release schedule.

It’ll ruin the suspense and some new characters are going to get overshadowed

They definitely are someone that'd fight you since there's no other darkners that don't fight you here, and since they're placed next to tasque manager and sweet captain cakes it's very likely that they're also a miniboss or have some important role in their chapter

- 3 years for chapter 2 to come out.
- 3 years for the next update to come out

It's just consistent.

hes so me

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Gonna post webms from the website

Attached: update2022-dr-ch4-queen-v5.webm (1280x960, 359.01K)

he probably wants to do something that if he released the story in any more chunks it wouldn't be as impactful, or he doesn't want to like nearly kill a character and leave people hanging for another year or two

Yeah this is definitely the dark world. Everything looks too warped and goofy to be the light world


Also the Dark World mice from Chapter 2 is there.

maus is here but I don't know if that's a cameo or an indication that this is in castle town
this might be chapter 3 since there's wires dangling from the sky and of course the big two televisions

>but so far we mostly just gotten work done on Chapter 3 and 4
For a moment I thought he meant that those two chapters are complete, but it looks like it's still gonna be a while
I'll still pray for the release right around this time next year

>We're working hard to make something that will excite and delight fans of weird role-playing games, whether or not you like men with long noses!
What did Toby mean by this?

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Susie probably just saw the true unhinge Toriel lol
He's going to say something different depending on what you did in your chapter.

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We're getting more long nosed men

>We're working hard to make something that will excite and delight fans of weird role-playing games, whether or not you like men with long noses!
Toby I never minded the fact that you're Jewish

>Tasque in an elegant dress

What happened to Undyne? This is clearly after Chapter 3

Man I just hope we see the police tape removed at one point in this bundle and see the rest of the town

That's a weird lamp

Why is there tape and barriers to begin with?

If you play the game normally, probably self injury while challenging Mike or whatever baddies in the dark world
Go "snowgrave", you ended or trapped her forever back there

Holiday for the festival maybe?

If you look really closely you can see Rouxls Kaard. He's there in the bottom left corner.

>swords behind the counter
new sheap? cutscene room? house shaped doors?

Surely nothing bad happened

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Yeah, this is a safe town where nothing ever happens and yet that exists as if something is wrong over there that they don't want people seeing

>literally nothing
Just what I expected. I'm sure the game will be good on release but goddamn, part 1 released FOUR YEARS AGO and so far it sounds like toby has only done maybe 3/7ths of it tops

Here's a schizo reason

]Because Hometown is the only place that truly exists in the Light World. There is no outside world, the residents of Hometown are only created to believe so.

Hey you can see a Cyber city mouse hanging in the booth