Like A Dragon Producer Is Hesistant To Bring Yakuza Games To Nintendo Switch

>Yakuza Games sales keep declining. in Japan
>Switch basically has a monopoly on the market
>Nintendo is the wild gun now, virtually ANYTHING gets into the platform, Violence, nudity, drugs, you name it

Then comes in Yakuza Team

>...Executive producer and Ryu Ga Gotoku studio head Masayoshi Yokoyama is hesitant, for now, to port the adult series to that system.

>"Do we want to put a title like this where we're going around and picking a fight with the world and doing all this Yakuza stuff, on a Switch," Yokoyama explained. According to the producer, the family-friendly image of the Switch in its home ground of Japan clashes with the "underground feeling" that Yakuza games project.
>"We still kind of think of ourselves as people of the night world, right? We don't want to be like walking around the day with everybody else," Yokoyama said. "Like for us, it's kind of showing this kind of underground feeling. I think the underground kind of feeling is what we want to do."

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third party games always perform worse on switch, and I'm not just talking about framerate. You have to play it safe with nintendo consumers, they only buy Nintendo. With both the former director and now producer saying "We don't think Nintendo fans would enjoy this." Nintendo fans will now go out of their way to boycott the product.

jew will never understand how people of Japan think its not the money


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>third party games always perform worse on switch
Ok Harada, enough internet for the day.

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>jew will never understand how people of Japan think its not the money
Tell that to the people paying the bills of the studio

Nintendo switch is for faggots, Yakuza is for men.

>Yakuza is for men.
tell me more

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japan doesn’t matter

Holy based, tendies seething.

They been releasing the same game for 20 years, im amazed the fucking thing sells at all. The same fucking map for 9 games and a couple of spin offs too. 500+ hours to their story. Its ridiculous, what a garbage series.

what the fuck

Yakuza games barely run on base model PS4/xboner, no way in hell a switch could play them.

Is he not allowed to say that the Switch is just a piece of shit that couldn't run them natively without absolutely tanking them? Like, if he said something like that, would it get him in trouble with Nintendo and/or Sega?
I don't know why the Yakuza team keeps making up these "skirt around the issue" excuses when there's a big ass elephant in the room they never pay attention to.

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>Run Doom
>Run Nier Automata
Yakuza team diagnostic: Skill Issues

>Everyone ever in the industry ran the "Hardware cant handdle it" excuse
>Big Games get a port
>"Cant Handle it" excuse no longer works

Wii U game that looked 10 years old at launch
>Run Doom
dynamic 480p for a linear corridor shooter
>Run Nier Automata
looks like ass and runs poorly
Switch could probably handle pre-dragon engine games like Yakuza 0 but no way 6 and later would run.

Yakuza was on Wii u though

>looks like ass and runs poorly
>Game is not even out
Nice Try nigger

and the port was so bad it flopped and onion head been assblastered since then

>Game is not even out
Looks like ass even in the remastered PC version so switch is guaranteed to be worse
Show me a multiplat switch game that isn't a 2D indieshit that doesn't run like ass

>Is he not allowed to say that the Switch is just a piece of shit that couldn't run them natively without absolutely tanking them
He has to be diplomatic or it'll be another chigyu situation because he knows that if Sega tells his team to port the game to switch he'll have to mangle it somehow anyway

>Nier A
Im not sure is retarded or having a moment. Do you need help user?