The MetaBomber

so I see why the is vr dead threads stopped getting posted recently. The failed dev making those threads mustve taken a more hands on approach

Attached: meta bomber.jpg (581x958, 92.25K)

Attached: metabomber 2.jpg (599x922, 128.38K)

I want to see that manifesto. also people are like why did the paper survive

So what did the manifesto say?

its probably all like "half life alyx is the only real game made for vr "

Attached: metabomber 3.png (820x820, 953.33K)

Can someone explain what zuck is planning to get out of the metaverse shit he's putting 100B+ into? I cannot for the life of me see how he makes back even 1% of the cash from this shit

Attached: zuckclif.jpg (320x180, 14.55K)

It's money laundering to hide his pedophilic inclinations and child rape he's doing alongside the Clintons, Trumps, Obamas, and Bushes.

Ban Assault Cases



At this point I think they're in too deep without a proper exit strategy.

This metaverse shit is going to join the endless graveyard of technologies that never caught on. Like HD-DVD, 3D television, motion controls, the list goes on... Being a schizo over something so doomed to failure is idiotic.

I'm assuming it was in pretty bad shape

ban assault schizophrenics

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I really don't think they're playing 5D chess here or hiding anything secret, I think they really were just stupid enough to think that people would actually want to have vr business meetings and play shitty vr basketball and pay for vr houses that have absolutely no value whatsoever tangible or intangible.

>like why did the paper survive
Might have been shrapnel that primarily expelled from the opening. The paper could have been placed securely on the bottom or sides of the container.

Unironically he's going for the kids. He wants FB VR to be what parents park their kids in front of.
The reasoning is fucking retarded, but being able to influence large swathes of kids does have its uses. Once those kids grow up then they have mass voting groups wrapped up in an easily influenced package.

As stupid as it sounds, it's likely to be true
Even more control and invasion to personal data and even grooming kids.

Everything is about sex. Except sex, sex is about power

Watch his Joe Rogan interview. Zuckerberg believes the Metaverse is going to be the next Internet and VR will be the next smartphones.

He thinks this is the next big thing.

someone having money doesn't mean they're not retarded user