Retiring from hardcore gaming

Industry is looking pretty bleak bros… And you can only replay your old favourites so many times.

It’s really quite exhausting trying to keep up with gaming in this era. Everyday there’s new announcements and bullshit to keep up with. The direct and state of play were both major dissapointments.

It seems like the bar to be up to date on this hobby just goes up more and more by the year. It’s becoming just like music. There’s too many games now. It’s like how a single person can’t possibly hope to keep up with music as a whole - that’s how it is with gaming now. You have to specialize.

Anyone else retiring from gaming? Or at least semi-retiring from hardcore gaming.

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Same here. I didn't realize how much of a waste of time they were until recently. If I took even half the time I spent playing vidya in my teens and twenties and devoted it to practicing some skill, my life would be a lot better. Most games aren't even good, you just play them out of habit because they push the right buttons in your brain to make you feel like you're accomplishing something. But at the end of the day when you turn the game off, you've accomplished nothing but sitting there and literally twiddling your thumbs (over a hunk of plastic).

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I don’t regret the time I spent gaming (except League and some MMOs), I just feel like the industry doesn’t have anything new to offer from now. It doesn’t help that capitalism is the driving force for all the design now with gacha bs and whatever

i retired when i was 16

gaming is good as a time killer such as when you have a few minutes where you are waiting around and there's nothing else you can really do. pick-up-and-play arcade shit, especially on a portable system, is the peak form of gaming.

>hardcore gaming
oh fuck off, what did you think constituted you being le hardcore gamer tm? i played like 500 hours of death stranding in the roughly the space of a year and still play like 10 hours of games a day. you dumb fucks think a solid gaming sesh is playing some cookie-clicker tier mmorpg all day looooooooooooool

>i played like 500 hours of death stranding in the roughly the space of a year and still play like 10 hours of games a day.
That's fucking pathetic. Get a life you sad sack of shit

>meth strangling
o im laffin

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>be me
>just play mario world romhacks/pokemon mods 1-2 hour a day during workout
>watch some tv show or newsshow on the side
>still have to finish that klonoa remake, ff7remake, haven't caught up with platinum games since 2015
There's too many games. But I never treated them like a job. They just don't interest me that much. They're all mediocre, Fifa 23 to Fifa 22 isn't going to be much of an improvement, the same with games.

kek the fact i can enjoy ds for months must be triggering because you retards cant get a dopamine hit from anything huh. it's pretty much fact that hate for that game is pure meme shit and you're not even filtered, just contrarian spergs hehe. imagine you're like nearly suicidal because you can't even enjoy 1 (one) game and i'm like "lol postman pat and bridges fun"

Retired, then tried gacha, Turns out it was shit, then back again
Anything is better than Gacha. You just have to look harder for good ones

Get a life

>be me living on a literal remote island
>free energy no power bill
>government pays for my food
>my entire life is 100% free time
>can fully absorb myself in any hobby cause no ADD
>beautiful outdoor vista if i fancy a walk
>be you wage cucking 10 hours a day
>too depressed to play anything cant get engaged
>end up watching normie youtube/tv
>live in a shitty city nowhere to go
honestly at this point you might as well give up, im not even 30 and am a home owner kekeke

You will regret your wasted time later in life. You could have improved this world instead of living in a fake reality that gives you nothing but false achievements. Reality sucks but hey that's life

user... i am living the best life i could have asked for, infact the only low mood ive had in like 6 years is just now thinking how prickish it is to gloat about a situation as rare as rocking horse shit

>improved this world
You literally do not matter, user. You can larp all you want, but your entire life will be a detriment to the world as a whole and you are being a judgemental little shit on a loser image board. Bit sad innit?

>infact the only low mood ive had in like 6 years is just now thinking how prickish it is to gloat about a situation as rare as rocking horse shit
Sure sure.

The reality is your miserable 24/7 and you don't even know it because you are living under 24 layers of coping lies.

There's large catalogs of arcade, PC, and games from console generations 3-6. I'm pretty sure you barely scratched the surface of potential great games.

I don't treat gaming as a life style.

Name one million people 40 years ago.

You couldn't be more wrong, reality isn't even all that there is, we're only stuck with what little our brains can process. Replacing our reality with anything else is completely valid, as long as you're able to sustain that lifestyle.

i'm the gloating retard but this is one thing i like about death stranding, its retarded to think you can substantially change anything in this world unless you're a fucking billionaire but at least i put down a stupid ladder in mail man simulator that helped some folk cross a chasm. like nothing matters wah baaww nihilism but someone benefited in some small way by me doing something in a videgame
bit of a no u but it sounds like you're the one who's miserable and coping
we basically might as well point out how waging and being a consumer is still a fictitious reality

try living in 1997-2001

There was a greatest game of all time contender announced nearly every month

I'm jewish, the more time I spend just playing vidya and doing nothing else, the less chance I have to give in to the inherent greed of my species and make life hell for people I otherwise love. I'm aware that this is distancing me from them and that they don't want to hang out with me anymore, but it's for the better. Even since I learned the capacity of evil I have due to my lineage, I'm legitimately afraid of hurting someone in some manner, just by following my genetic programming. Unfortunately I'm also too cowardly to just kill myself.

Nigga do you think this is a job?

It's not so much that I'm being a nihilist. It's more that pretending you improve the world by doing tiny inconsequential shit or just being a regular cog in the machine is stupid.
It's nice that people do tiny inconsequential shit, keep doing it but why pretend that is "improving the world" when some retard comes along and shits all over the stupid ladder (which should be a DS mechanic) in your example. Nothing is fixed and it's forgotten in no time, the world hasn't been improved.
TLDR: Improving the world isn't getting a 9-5 job or building a park bench in Detroit.

kinda funny because there are only a couple of ways to grief in DS but the main problem is the longer you play the more degraded your structures become. without fastidiously upkeeping your shit or literally not playing everything is going to rot away but if you're not a nihilist then there's joy in knowing that you and somebody else had this purely momentary connection, neither of you are aware of it but for at least a few seconds something so asinine was the most important thing in the world