Which one was more influential?

Which one was more influential?

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Obviously Halo.

It birthed CS

Half-Life for sure. However I will say that Half-Life 2 is dogshit and did absolutely nothing for gaming. Everything it "innovated" was already done by many shooters prior, it's just a generic fps campaign with nothing special.

Did a child make this thread? These games aren't even the same era.

>3 years apart
>not same era
ok buddy

Well at least Half Life 2 didn't ruined the series like Halo 3 did.

>It made Valve bigger, thus giving us Steam and other shit
>Modding community became stronger
>Game got mods that became IP later (Team Fortress, Counter-Strike and so on)
>Counter-Strike was evolved from Half-Life, which helped making e-sports bigger
>Half-Life is was role model for great games

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>One birthed a whole bunch of other successful titles that still get played today but have perpetual playerbases. As well as never ever getting a conclusion to its story
>The other was once the pinnacle of console shooters that has fallen from grace and will be remembered for a botched f2p title and a shitty netflix show
I'd say Half-Life is more influential to game devs rather than to gamers. The attention to detail for the littlest of things, scripted sequences and flexible use of Goldsrc pretty much changed FPS games forever. Even if it's not really mind blowing.

>but have perpetual playerbases.
Is that a bad thing?

Half life 2 still has some of the best pacing in an fps ever. Inb4 muh vehicle sections. The point is no section is exactly like the one before it and no section overstays it's welcome. This is really noticeable when you play any other fps game where 99 percent of the game is shooting the same 3 enemies and walking to an objective marker.

Half life vs COD 4: Modern Warfare would have been a better choice

That's kind of the problem, though. In an FPS I want to be shooting enemies, not jumping between gimmicks. Boating, survival horror, driving, pikmin, turret defense, squad managment, and a fucking finale that takes away your goddamned guns

It is though
Any Forums will literally call a thirty year old man a zoomer
also oomers are made by advertisers

Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Gunman Chronicles did the variation better imo, though they're naturally much weaker in the storytelling department.

Half-Life influenced Halo retard.

>He would rather keep his guns than becoming a god

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>one game came out years before the other
What do you think.

Sorry for wanting a BFG in the climax of a shooter instead of a physics toy

Not really, Half-Life basically started the first person "cinematic experience", without Half-Life CoD would have just been Wolfenstein 3D with better graphics.

No. By that point in 2004, no other shooter had advanced physics, AI, and graphics on the level of Half-Life 2. It was literally leagues ahead of anything that came out before and after technologically.

jokes aside, HL

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Halo wasn't influential at all. It was just one of the only acceptable games on Xbox for a long time an there weren't any other games to play so people became attached to it.

What being a boomer does to a nigger.

what a disaster of events

>That's kind of the problem, though. In an FPS I want to be shooting enemies, not jumping between gimmicks.
Yep and that's pretty much the reason why Half life was always considered a mediocre shooter but an amazing adventure game. it's willing to forfeit some shooting so it can be more varied experience with all sorts of things to do along the way and honestly it's fine. Not every FPS game has to be the exact same and some are going to focus on other aspects of the game more than others.

Half-Life was more influential by far.
>Soulless copied and pasted interiors
>Expansive exteriors with no gameplay
>No weapon mechanics
>No movement mechanics
>Slow movement
>Game aims for you
You experience everything Halo has to offer within 10 minutes of playing. It's fucking trash.

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nobody played half life 1 except permavirgins.

>>Soulless copied and pasted interiors
>>Expansive exteriors with no gameplay
>>No weapon mechanics
>No movement mechanics
>>Slow movement
>>Game aims for you
Is this Halo or Half-Life?

What being indoctrinated by the AAA industry into accepting that "games don't have to be fun" does to a vort

Halo by far. It was the first hugely successful fpd on console and gave way to some of the biggest franchises in gaming history like CoD.
Half life had 0 influence outside pc

Obviously Halo

CoD started as a PC game retard

The first game is one of my all-time favorites, so I'm with you there. I just think HL2 went too far in that direction, to a point where the core gameplay suffered due to a lack of interesting weapons and enemies

Not at all. I say perpetual because they don't really influence enough to draw new players by themselves and Valve never was one for advertising anyways, let alone for a 15 and 10 year old game. Bots aside, most new players for TF2 and CSGO I imagine learn about them through friends, rather than being plastered on every single media outlet like Halo has been.

And it only became a worldwide phenomenon when focusing on consoles. Nobody gave a shit about it before that

Still better than regenerative health and simplified fps design for toddlers

>Counter-Strike was evolved from Half-Life, which helped making e-sports bigger
this was fucking terrible

Wrong. CoD was massive from the very start, it was bigger than CS for its multiplayer.

You're an utter retard. The whole "cinematic experience" and enemy AI working as a team was spawned from Half-Life. It influenced Halo. And no Halo did not give way to CoD, MoHAA is what led to CoD and SoF II is what led to Modern Warfare.

Halo was more influential by far:

Set the bar for cinematic cutscenes
Set the bar for console control schemes
Set the bar for online matchmaking
Has unmatched AI to this day
Brought all the good elements of existing FPS games into one game, showing everyone else how its done
Had an excellent story
Introduced the concept of limited weapons, you can't carry everything
Introduced dedicated melee and grenades
Had a slow pace that forced players to actually think about their fights

What did Half Life even influence? It wasn't cinematic storytelling, and even then - that's it? The game was literally a carbon copy of every other generic fps on the market in gameplay, it did nothing new and set no new standards for the industry.

In fact its steam, not half life, that changed gaming as we know it. Half life was only good as a launchpoint and money supply for Valve and Steam to change everything.