Not a single new game announced in the past 24 hours is coming here

>Not a single new game announced in the past 24 hours is coming here
What went wrong?

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They tried to court publishers instead of consumers and consumers didn't take to it.

Why put your game on there for free when you can get them to pay you to do it? Putting your game on egs on your own is selling yourself short.

fpbp. fuck ebin

Publishers want people to buy their games as well. That bag of free money for a year long deal is useless if the sale results are poor.

ran out of bribe money

its kind of a shame they didnt get steam to lower their cut though. that cut is outrageously high

Valve did lower the cut though, but only for games that make tens of millions of dollars. Epic indirectly helped the biggest publishers who need it the least.

>that cut is outrageously high

Firstly, that cut has been the standard since before Steam even existed.
Secondly, if the cut were lower that would just mean more profit for shareholders. It would not benefit you in the slightest.

>Valve did lower the cut though, but only for games that make tens of millions of dollars.
yea thats fucked up. they did it just to stop them from going to epic meanwhile small guys got shafted. valve really doesnt deserve all the praise.

don't worry Epicbros, these are calculated losses!
The store is not supposed to make money till 2027!

Seems like all those indie studios who shit on steam saying that percentage was literally the difference between them eating or not have shut up lately too.

I thought it was a lower cut for the first million and then it increased?

nope, it goes down the more you sell. (bigger publishers get more money, smaller devs get less money)

30% base
25% when you reach your first 10 mil
20% when you reach 50 mil

>30% up to $10 million
>25% from $10 million to $50 million
>20% from $50 million onward
Basically it only helps AAA and GAAS titles. Sure you've got breakout hits like Valheim that would qualify, but those are extremely rare.

That's probably because they went out of business due to poor sales on the EGS.


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I recall the RoR dev saying that you could make individual cuts with Valve, but other indie devs started to chimp because their shit games didn't sell at all, so now Valve keeps these Values

Indie devs are some of the most entitled motherfuckers out there. They whine about how Valve doesn't do free marketing for them and post their DEEP and ARTISTIC pixel art 2D sidescroller on Steam's front page and instead have the temerity to treat THEIR game the same as all the other indie trash.

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>>Not a single new game announced in the past 24 hours is coming here
>What went wrong?
Dude random literal who game lmao
It seems that steam and gogkeks love quantity over quality