This is a positive direction for the video game industry

This is a positive direction for the video game industry.

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>Customize a character
>Nah, presets, here you go.

reminder medicaid covers a lot of people's frivolous sex change surgeries and it needs to end for taxpayers' sake

that's pretty fucking gay, and let's not beat around the bush, these people who think that there are 52 flavors of gender are delusional as all hell. hope they all die in a fire. you too, op, you massive faggot.

Yes, generally society evolves over time and new ideas are introduced to make said society better. Scientists do this by retconning reality once new information is obtained.


I hate western society so much

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Its incredible to me how cultural pull 0.05% of the population has

Really makes you think what we could accomplish if we put our minds to it

I want to do a game eventually.
I think i'll set with:

I want to do a game eventually.
I think i'll set with:

This could work if every character in the game would treat Non-Binary as some freak of nature and no romance options were possible.

It's also retarded because there's no relationships ingame.

it's habbening

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God damn this shit is retard. But tell me how does this affect gameplay again? I mean something this must affect the actual gameplay so bad and we all know the most important thing on Any Forums is gameplay. Damn I'm so sad the game is ruined. But how again?

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Gender is not the same as Sex, you downy nigger.

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Nice! What game?

it may or may not affect gameplay in any meaningful way. however, its inclusion is decidedly political, it acknowledges the delusions of faggot gender abolitionists who think there is no place in our society for rigidly defined gender roles. who the fuck died and made them king? it's a retarded notion and none of them can really justify it beyond a general appeal to inclusion, which makes no goddamn sense.

It seems strange. This particular genre of games seems to be universally pozzed in some way or another. At this point, I wonder which ones aren't and are actually good. Maybe just the Doraemon spin-off SoS games. I tried the demo of the first one and it seemed quite nice, but I figure Nobi might stay annoying.

Hakoniwa explorer plus

>who think there is no place in our society for rigidly defined gender roles
there aren't
no one is feeding you estrogen

Even on your own terms, there are almost certainly no gender-norm mechanics, events, or roles in the game, so it's moronic on every front.

Do you think "people" would get offended if the options were Sex instead of Gender?

So is your obsession with something you’ll never play, autismo.

Absolute kino will always be genderless sliders and appearance options without limits to make whatever masterpiece or freakish abomination your heart desires.

what gaem?

Pandering to American sensibilities is an immediate red flag.

and yet these are the same people who think it's ok to allow prepubescent children the ability to transition before adulthood because we should just listen and believe "their truth" without so much as an objection. fuck that. I'm not a parent but if I had a kid and they came to me and said, "can I switch genders" I'd sit them down and have a very serious talk about what this entails and ultimately I'd say that they have a bit more living to do before they decide to make such a decision.

wake me up when augmentation reaches the point at which it allows every day people to easily and affordably enhance themselves into anything they want to be. we're not there yet so these sentiments are about 3 centuries too early.

Congrats on choking on it.

Because this isn't an isolated thing that will be a one-off. It comes as part of an ideological package that prevents you from creating a normal black character that isn't a 'representative' or write edgy jokes because of the incredibly retarded concept of punching up/down. It is an all-encompassing mode of thinking that destroys creativity because everything has to subjugate itself to the ideology. Fun becomes secondary to being correct, thus mediocrity is put ahead of excellence so long as it adheres to the party line.

It is the reason why Marvel cannot create a decent comic to save their hides is because they silo'd off and fired every single artist that was any decent because they refused to bow to diversity hires and sensitivity commissars. Their writing sucks, their ideas suck, their art sucks, and it will continue to do so, and the same rot is creating things like OPs pic in games.

It is no less poisonous to the industry than the suits handing over the development oversight and control to a suburban Christian soccer mom so she can veto things she doesn't like eventually creating an neutered bore of a game.

>and yet these are the same people who think it's ok to allow prepubescent children the ability to transition before adulthood because we should just listen and believe "their truth"
thats not true

>still no name of the game

yeah it is.

Go and neck yourself discord freak.

Still better than type A/B. That shit is just insulting and anyone who thinks about it for more than two seconds will see how retarded it is

in reality it should be

>mentally ill

why not