Sorceress Sellen

"My apprentice~! "

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I'm so happy we're going to save her in the DLC

Undoubtedly the best Fromsoft girl. No one comes close.

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Is there any way to revert this by editing your save file without getting banned?

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W-what DLC?

post her feet

Turn on CNN

By far the prettiest Fromsoft girl. Even trumps the hand-crafted levelup girls.

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So what exactly happened to her?


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Cut dialogue for when she discovers what happened to your finger if you did Varre's questline.


Use this tag: 魔術師セレン


May I kiss your feet, Sorceress?

Thank you.
Gonna be honest, expected dolphin porn

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Went into her neet chamber so you wouldnt see how much of a fatty she was.

How much

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delicious feet

That little dash of orange on her sole indicates a strong scent

>there is, somewhere, a voice file of Sellen calling (You) her beloved apprentice.

Are you talking about how she turned into a Graven Mass, like what's on the pic here ?

Not sure, but maybe it's got something to do with her delving deeper into sorcery and knowledge, and the end result of it is turning her into this mass of wizard heads. I'm guessing this is why it was forbidden.

Well, it's either that, or .

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best to inhale it then, followed by licking

My thoughts too

So exactly why did they hide her face from us? Why put resources in making a character so beautiful if she never gets unmasked? It also probably contributed to the lack of fan art of her. She would probably have way more fan art.

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saving it for her DLC

I certainly wish she had more fanart than that ugly ass undead doll thing or the the manly final boss

>could've said all this just to end up as a lump of coal

Would've added more salt to the wound.

I thought she was punished and turned into that monstrosity by Rennala.