Are JRPGs becoming woke now?

Are JRPGs becoming woke now?

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Who gives a shit.


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poor user...

Final Fantasy VII would be considered woke if it came out today.

>this thread again
do you ever get tired of being outraged by everything

>JRPGs made for women include things women like


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White liberals are finding ways to infest Japanese companies, like cockroaches, so yes.
Not because the Japanese are that way but the west, whites and jews in particular, are doing whatever they can to undermine and subvert other cultures to make them become nothing but subsidiaries because there is nothing whites and jews hate more than other cultures with differing values.
So they find ways to insert themselves or fund entities that will do so.
These things will only get worse.

Squirm and get mad like the good NPC retard that you are.
Don't ask questions. Get mad and react.

This is mostly an issue with mainstream devs/publishers. You can push back against stuff like it by not buying games afflicted with this garbage, making sure your friends don't either, and making your own stuff to influence the culture. A rule is meaningless if the majority of people find it gay to follow it.

>most of the game is spent reading pointless NPC dialogue
hard pass

By 2030 japanese games will be as woke as 2022 westoid games.
Screencap this post

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At least neutral sounds less retarded than non-binary, I guess.

My big question is why this crap hasn't been infecting mainstream anime and manga.

That's the thing, most wokeshit gets a limit because even normalfags push back a bit, but the replacement of genders with styles was something they just legitimately were too retarded to notice, hopefully now that they are starting to push for enbie options there might be some actual pushback, but it's probably too late

There is wokeshit in anime, Any Forums just makes excuses for how it totally doesn't count every time

A couple of years ago I watched some anime wokeshit
Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
It was so bad lol

Less westaboos making manga.
Lots of westaboos work in vidya.
And also there's more Chinese influence in manga and anime since they're major consumers of it, so ironically it works as a bullwark against white influence.

Hopefully the pendulum swinging speeds up with the recession. Maybe things can recover by the end of the decade if enough goes right in the world.

Manga is a very low budget and relatively authorial media, so it's still made with a Japanese audience in mind since it doesn't have to sell millions (i.e. appeal to the west) to be profitable. Most anime are direct adaptations of manga (or light novels, and the same applies there), so they end up following suit. Add to that the fact that most manga consumption in the west happens through piracy and you get a pretty good picture as to why kikes haven't been able to sink their rotten teeth in too deep.

I also noticed that some devs that specialize in more "objectionable" content relegate themselves to platforms like the Switch or mobile. Makes me wonder if they can thrive off of doing what they do best on PC, where they're way less restricted, provided they upgrade their tech and production values as well.

>most manga consumption in the west happens through piracy
That's a problem though, the people here who could provide an audience against wokeshit declared themselves not customers years ago, hell they consciously worked to chase away customers to other sites where they could get their heads pumped full of liberal ideas, and also try and shout down anybody actually talking about threats and how to stop them because they want to stick their heads in the sand

Key examples in mainstream stuff? Only one comes to mind is possibly Yamato, but she jsut idolizes a man to the point where she wants to literally be him, not necessarily that she wishes she was the opposite sex.

no it wouldn't, people who make these claims of "oh x/y/z would be considered woke today" are fucking morons every single time lol

because it takes actual talent and a lot of work to work in anime or manga at an actual studio. conversely, game studios will hire retards with no skills purely to fill checkboxes. and anime and manga aren't driven by corporate managers, the mangaka gets the actual say.

STOP PLAYING AAA YOU DING DONGS. All AAA devs and publishers are completely pozzed and compromised, plus everything they touch turns to shit and none of it is even fun to play. Stop giving them money. Let them wither away and die.

It costs NOTHING to be accommodating towards people who are different from you. Grow up.


Fucking go woke go broke.

No. Shit is unnatural and should never be accepted by anyone. People like you have destroyed society. You are the sex you were born as. You will never be a woman. Cutting off your dick and getting a permanent open wound installed is pure insanity and everyone that does deserves the nightmare they will then be living in.

If you mean stuff like eroge, the Japanese market for that is basically PC only. The thing with small Japanese developers is that they are usually happy with finding a niche and just appealing to that.

Wonder egg priority had an FtM tranny complete with trans flag colors (which was funny because everybody in the threads when the preview dropped was in denial about the girl in front of a trans color billboard wearing a trans color jacket from a director that's done trans stuff before in a show about teen suicide wasn't gonna be a tranny)
maybe not quite woke as such but Witch Watch had abortion shilling right around the time it was a big issue in the US again, this panel wasn't a coincidence, but the liberal stuff in Witch Watch is only really noticeable if you are looking for it because it was much more overt in the authors previous series about how guns are bad and historical revisionism is good.

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>Wonder egg priority had an FtM tranny complete with trans flag colors
Doesn't it also have rape?
I don't think woke types are fond of rape in media.


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