This is the worst redesign in video game history

This is the worst redesign in video game history.

Attached: FcixAqvXkAQ6SNF[1].png (518x476, 316.67K)

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That's just DDD in a different coat.

yeah whats the deal with this club penguin ass. Yeah I know he looked like that in the crystal shards but still.

the low polygons made him look better

what is that? perry the platypus' cousin?

That's what he originally looked like; this is literally return to form.

They should try to make him look more like the renders from 64

Attached: latest.png (463x600, 254.41K)

>That's what he originally looked like


You may not like it but this is what peak penguin looks like

Attached: artworks-000170314106-gd8oy1-t500x500[1].jpg (500x500, 54K)

Smash Dedede was his peak design

Attached: dedede.png (1267x1307, 1.77M)


64/Forgotten Land design is a lot better with alot more soul

RtDL Dedede looked like an uncanny fish

At least you can still tell that's supposed to be Dedede.

Attached: julius.jpg (1269x485, 317.27K)


Smash Dedede is really in between the two. He doesn't have a neck like the small design, but he's not as fat as the new design.

>64 crystal shards pedos like the nu design
call me surprise

You lost

the large kneck and flat beak are bad design changes they should have just left this design in forgotten land to be forgotten.
on another note. I have never seen clashing outlines this bad. the game is not suited to outlines.

Nah it looks a lot better

But He's still fat. (This is important)

Attached: 1662539836329546.png (512x512, 308.78K)

Did you faggots say this was his best design in years when Forgotten Land came out?

DeDeDe's various designs has looked weird to downright ugly during the last 16 years."the only good ones being in smash" forgotten land DeDeDe is the best he's looked in years and I'm glad they're sticking with this deaign...for now.

I'm very torn on this new design. As a Dedede main since Brawl, I've loved this character for coming on 15 years. His character arc in the series has been beautiful. His goofy looking design since after 64 is very expressive and fun, and it's what I'm most used to. His new design is now associated with his characterization in forgotten land. He's more laid back, a good king, maybe a bit lazy. He'll be a reluctant hero. His final act in forgotten land has definitely landed his new design a place in my heart.

Every other game they redesign him and it’s always gets worse

Do you think Sakurai is upset over N64 fat Dedede becoming HAL's go-to design?

Attached: FOA0RnaXsAYl3SA.jpg (445x327, 25.61K)

best dedede signs are the anime and smash

500 hours in MS Paint

Attached: fixed.png (518x476, 329.18K)

How can you hate on this design? Look at this motherfuckers face. He's not fucking around!

Attached: IMG_20220914_040640.png (249x248, 81.38K)