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>le funny spanish word hehe
dumb english native

More like Brain Damage

The creative father.

he will just read off of wikipedia basic medical trivia.

El structuro del cerebral...

WE were the homo ludens (those who play) all along....


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El chino cochino
El coreano marrano
El asiático maniático
El mongol sin control
El vietnamita dinamita
El tailandés del revés
El filipino sin tino
El tibetano del ano

La estructura cerebral.

There is something inherently funny about the spanish language.
>T. Huehue

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I cant' see normal people caring about a Kojima podcast. I can only see diehard Metal Gear fans. I assume Snatcher and Policenaughts fans are in old folks homes.

I swear Any Forums is the only place that hates him.

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This, I like the series and Death Stranding but not enough to watch a podcast of him

look at those fucking normies.

fucking kek

We don't hate him and we've been loving him for years. It's mostly just mocking his ego and pretentiousness, along with the fumble that was Death Stranding.

He came VERY close to becoming the next Inafune with that flop.

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fuck that guy! he killed Abe and got away with it.

No you don't, you were a bunch of cultists who spent years hyping him and MGSV up as the second coming of Christ and when MGSV turned out to have no plot you felt as if your surrogate dad betrayed you.
Because you are all autistic and you got unironically obsessed with fucking Metal Gear of all things, the videogame equivalent of the MCU.

Stop him. He's unbelievable. These fucking quotes.

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The truth is that he did all of the acting, coding, and design work for Death Stranding.

He also invented the camera.

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well, considering all of the spanish language is a joke, yeah. it's funny. faggot