I hate what this fucker did to BoTW2

I hate what this fucker did to BoTW2

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It's pretty funny to think about. OoT inspired Demons Souls which inspired BotW which inspired Elden Ring which has seriously made BotW 2 reconsider itself mid-development.

More like a few months before release

>which has seriously made BotW 2 reconsider itself mid-development.
pure headcanon

>which has seriously made BotW 2 reconsider itself mid-development

>which inspired BotW
>which has seriously made BotW 2 reconsider itself mid-development


You mean Elden Ring made them realize it's better not to have a shitty tackled on durability issue? Or that BotW2 should have more than 3 enemies?

Elden ring was shit though. RDR2 had more of an effect on it, they even said so.

>They somehow redesigned the entire game in 12 months solely because of Elden Ring
Meds. Now.

Lmaooo ok
It was RDR2 from 2018

Poetry, it rhymes

>BotW which inspired Elden Ring
They made attempts to make an open world game as far as the beginning of DaS2 development

Elden Ring was shit bro, why would they want to copy it?

Cause it's goty and you cotrarian trannies can keep raging about it like the rats in a cage you are.

how does demon souls inspire botw

BotW was considered a master class in game design and Elden Ring blew it the fuck out

What are you talking about it looks like DLC for Breath of the Wild

>hurr durr contrarian
settle down fromfag, at least you have Demon Souls 8 to look forward too

>OoT inspired Demons Souls
It did not.

>got weapon durability removed
Thank you Miyazaki-san

I fail to see what's wrong with good sequels of a good game. It's your loss if you can't enjoy good games anymore.

I can enjoy good games just fine, too bad Fromsoft hasn't released any since Bloodborne though

Remember when Zeldafags were coping that the game was gonna be announced for a Switch pro?
Turns out Elden Kino buck broke Link

Attached: Tarnished Bateman.jpg (1280x720, 190.3K)

>Elden Ring got them to remove the shitty weapon durability
Pretty based

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