Game is good because I played it when I was 13!

>game is good because I played it when I was 13!

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>game is good because I played it when I was 31!

This was the only Final Fantasy game I managed to finish. The rest could not keep me interested enough to push through the awful thing that is random battles. Random encounters are awful.

>game is good because I played it when I was 13
>it's even better years later because my brain wasn't fully developed back then and I can appreciate it much more now as an adult.
>makes me realize how trash video games are now
>go play more old games

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it's got a linear story, but it's also one of the last VIDEO GAME video game jRPGs you can play. >Story bosses do not pull any punches.
>You want those last late-game weapons? Fuck you nigger, dodge 200 lightning bolts.
>You want bosses and enemies to use these weapons on? Fuck you nigger, 1,000,000 HP Dark Aeons.
20 years later, FFX is now among the last of its kind.
I want more blitzball.

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That makes sense, though, your brain has (hopefully) fully matured and you can distinguish objective quality. Playing games underage is not really playing a game, you are literally entertained with anything, like a baby.

It really isn't. FFtards really don't play other games.

Blitzball was my shit. Was so mad they automated it in X2

That literally describes the entire Final Fantasy series and its fanbase

Your brain starts deteriorating at 25

>t. hasn't played any other jrpgs besides this baby shit

sad redditard

It's genuinely the final decent main-line Final Fantasy.
After X SE completely lost it.
PS3 was a total disaster for the series and it hasn't managed to recover.

>is literally
>Contrarians nitpick the one thing that doesn't fucking matter: THE STORY

It was peak FF and is still considered one of the best JRPG's of all time. The only downside is when you begin to realise how linear it was, and what they removed, such as the world map, actual airship, etc. Still an amazing game despite that.

It isn't, though.

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that's right... if you took away ffx's graphics and made all final fantasy games look like say... ffiv (for snes) then ffx would be hands down one of the worst final fantasy titles in the series.
-> super linear
-> no exploring, even within the map you're in
-> poor music variety. everything is a remix. i say variety because some of the tracks are absolutely briliant but then they get remixed and you're basically hearing the same thing a million times. though i guess this is nitpicking.
-> high encounter rate
-> blitzball is broken. jecht shot... nothing needs to be said after this... (so basically no minigames)
-> the sheer content that previous FF's had. yeah sorry not here. the final dungeon consists of 2 maps. 2 two TWO. Technically 3 if you count the big arena (aka a circle) with falling icicles.
-> standard sphere grid is a joke. almost as linear as the maps of ffx.
-> some very bland environments. nothing memorable at all except for bevelle and zanarkand. oh wait, you can't really do anything in bevelle or zanarkand. but bevelle and zanarkand would have been absolutely breathtaking if they had actually decided to make them have a role.

Why does every thread here aim to piss somebody off?

Game is good because Auron is in it

this this this.
ffx is the last with a endgame and fun optional pushover hidden bosses.
with the unlocking of ultima weapons, crests and filling up your sphere grid it´s easly tripeling or even quadruple your playtime.

True, he's the best party member in the series

let me guess, you love FF8?