Play Persona 4

Play Persona 4

Attached: 1636112633104.webm (662x546, 2.95M)


Is she dancing

Salsa pls

yeah all night.

everyone already played it either in 2008, 2012, 2017, or when it came out on Steam
you’re late and we don’t appreciate pedos going after Nanako


It's Nanako from Persona 4

I’m not a weeaboo faggot, faggot.

Attached: UUUOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa.jpg (906x830, 125.58K)

What dance move is this?

>stick-chan hater is also the one to create her first piece of OC in months
You've played yourself.

You create gore and necrophilia just to stick it up to the lolichads and you think that will make you win HERE?


We can rebuild her

Didn't make it.

As long as I laughed, I win.

When golden releases on ps4 I'll be able to replay it.

Don't worry, she's fine.

Attached: shesfine.png (2800x3517, 438.17K)

As long I fap, is my victory.

I simply can't argue with that.

proof antis hate kids