Will the Steam Deck force Nintendo to finally let people play more classic Nintendo games for a reasonable price...

Will the Steam Deck force Nintendo to finally let people play more classic Nintendo games for a reasonable price? It seems like as games get shittier and shittier, the demand for classic games is growing.

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you can play on the deck or hack your switch for "cheap" nintendo games OP

I hope Nintendo fucking dies.

I don't have a deck. I only have an OLED switch which can't be hacked.

Why would it? You act as if emulating Nintendo games has been around for ever.

The bigger question is- why can’t people start Deck threads with Deck-discussion instead of Switch-crying?

How will we get Splatoon 1.4 then???

It will force Nintendo to go heavy on DRM

Splatoon 3 just shattered the record for most software sales in a 3 day period. The previous record holder, animal crossing new horizons, was also a switch game.
Seethe, cope, and dial 8

This isn't the deck thread, retard there's already a few up. This is about classic game support.

it's a deck thread. Tendies start seething. Everytime. Simple as.

Why are gabentrannies so sensitive?

Splatoon 1.3 will be forgotten within a month just like Spaltoon 1.2.

t. Over 300 hours in Splatoon 1.2

This long a reply only shows who's really hurt.
I'm only am hurt in terms of feeling tired of you nostalgia faggots. Grow up.

>Animal Crossings Horizons
The game everyone ditched and hated after a few weeks? It's kinda crazy how forgettable Switch games are. They're the MCU movies of video games.

Ah, so this is the new snoytranny and gabensubhuman COPING thread after splatoon 3 raped your asses to the moon and back

Fitting considering Nintendo is the Disney of video games.

Man, you really are desperate.

Reasonable price? I could play GBC/GBA games on the PSP 15 years ago

>Nintendo drones mindlessly buy the NEW NINTNEDO GAME
Wow I’m shocked. Let me know how many people are playing it in a week. In fact, I’d wager 10% of the sales, will sit on a shelf and never be opened. Nintendofags don’t fucking play games. They buy them. Literally every MUST CONSOOOOOM meme is about Nintendofags. We all know that guy who buys every fucking Nintendo game, but doesn’t play anything. Just talks about what he bought.

You can't deny it, everyone hated AC:NH and forgot about it already. This is coming from a retard who also bought it. Go ahead and make a AC:NH thread right now and you'll get laughed at.

Nah, that would be gabentranny behavior.
Why else would they constantly talk about "backlog"?

Virtual Console was reasonable. $3 for 2D games, $10 for classic 3D games. That's about as reasonable as Nintendo would ever get.

>Wow I’m shocked. Let me know how many people are playing it in a week
Given it’s current sales trajectory?
6 million+

Every deck player on this board

Attached: ZomboMeme 12092022120157.jpg (500x562, 58.97K)

>You can't deny it, everyone hated AC:NH and forgot about it already. This is coming from a retard who also bought it. Go ahead and make a AC:NH thread right now and you'll get laughed at.
Why do gabentrannies always lie?

He's not wrong.

He is, only reddittrannies agree with him

Projection and untrue.
>playing multiplayer games en masse
Holy lmfao

>gabentranny behavior
>all games on site are easily piratable.

Why do gabentrannies always lie?
The entire backlog meme comes from steamsubhumans buying games on sale and never playing them.

You are known for that.

Never heard of that. I didn't pay anything for the roms on my PSP. OPs pic surely isn't "legal" either.

It will only force Nintendo to make emulation illegal.

>nobody is taking about Steam
>Malding drone can’t stop thinking about GabeNs massive cock
Wow a running joke ten years ago bud, quit living in the past. Nintendofags took the flag when the Switch came out and haven’t stopped running.