Imagine complaining about graphics in a remake. The small details don't matter...

>imagine complaining about graphics in a remake. The small details don't matter, who cares if the original did it better in your instance that doesn't matter

What the fuck are standards you fat retard? Where is the justification in buying it again?

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Stop posting about tranny e-celebs. No one cares about his retarded opinions.

did he actually troon out or is it an act, I've never gotten a straight answer

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You're an even bigger faggot for even bringing this video up and linking it

you're a cuck for bumping it
I do

>implying i'm going to give this fat faggot any clicks or attention

LMAO keep begging

you're a cuck for bumping it

He was always a weirdo since he let his hog wife get fucked by a black guy, then he got into wrestling and this is how he ended up. Not sure if he got surgery yet but he made several videos complaining about how transphobic gamers are and how he lost subscribers when he came out as trans.

There's an episode where he straight up gobbles HRT user.

i just watched it and i swear he tore the game apart for shitty graphics, mandella effect??

Nobody wants to watch a fat man complain about video games for 20 minutes. And NOBODY wants to watch a fat man pretending to be a woman while complaining about video games for 20 minutes.

i always knew this fat cuckold was mentally ill, i wonder how long it will take for him to an hero

why i'm i being asked to pretend thats a woman?

I never watched a video of that fuck fuck again after he put on the wig, fuck him

What a fucking clown

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>"yOU people complaining about Abby or other women not being womenanly enough to fit into your narrow idea of what a real woman is for their neckbeard tastes, probably have never dated or seen a real woman!"

>he says this without a hint or irony or self awareness while dressed in old lady clothes and whore make up

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>then he got into wrestling
Mustve been the brain damage then

he did but for some reason it feels like it's in character. he's always been such a fucking weirdo that it just feels natural that he's a transgender comedy wrestler videogame rant youtuber.


You can definitely tell it's a defense mechanism in order to shield from criticism. What's that, you think this videogame take is wrong? Clearly you're transphobic.

Correct, though seeing this retard have a mental breakdown about it is at least a bit entertaining.

That and the estrogen from being obese and using Twitter.

He is legitimately sick. Bipolar 1 I believe. And having bipolar makes you believe things about yourself that simply aren’t true. I’ve been living with it for over 10 years now.

i don't care about the opinion of a woman

>Dark Souls is one of my favorite games of all time
It's not an act


its so uncanny how this tard troons out
like out of all people

nice try jim

havel's greengrocer bro

>BORN DIFFERENT (from women)

His Elton John cosplay shit he does now is offputting as fuck