I need those 3 games to make out, like right now

I need those 3 games to make out, like right now.
A world so beautiful as cyberpunk, with the immersive sim level design and detail of dishonored rounded up with a story as good and intricate as new vegas.


Attached: Screenshot_20220912-124118.png (1080x909, 515.64K)

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That's basically what cyberpunk wanted to be in the first place, but fucked it up with the borderlands weapons, lack of choices and impact in the story and borning open world.

Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the worst games ever made.

Fuck no, keep my beautiful Dishonored away from New Vegas and Cyberpunk 2077.

Now, blending Dishonored with Bloodborne however, might actually provide us with very sexy results. Case in point: youtube.com/watch?v=R5TUYKAzGZs&t=13s

Attached: lies-of-p-game-cover-e1623596935186.jpg (998x1056, 99.74K)

How was that title ever a good idea ?
Sounds like:
>Lies of pee

not playing Life of P
yes exactly, but it looked nice

What you actually need is to go back to English class right now.

>immersive sim level design
Kill yourself.

basically means
>lots of options to do things
>you can pick up objects
>more interacable things

It's called Deus Ex

is dishonored 2 good?

also can you play as a male protagonist? i hate bitches narrating

Cyberpunk 2077 has all 3.

Cyberpunk 2077 was one the best games ever made.


Unironically try Streets of Rogue, OP.

Before Cyberpunk 2077 came out I was primarily playing EYE (terrible, dreadful, too many cycles). And before that it was Watchdogs. Why Watchdogs? It's a pol thing.
Cyberpunk 2077 with a few mods combined what I liked about Watchdogs and EYE. So without any bullshit, CP2077 is literally my favorite game.

Yes it's good.

Yes you can play as Corvo, the guy from Dishonored 1. As an extra bonus to stealth game fans he's voiced by Stephen Russell in Dishonored 2, the same voice as Garrett from the Thief trilogy (so not Thief 4).

It's fantastic

I hate when you asked for cyberpunk immersive and people say Dishonored and Deus Ex. Like I haven't played that bullshit already. Spoiler alert, only the first Deus Ex had any writing worth a damn and Dishonored isn't even cyberpunk. I sleep. (and play Cyberpunk 2077)

What the fuck are you talking about.
I just want
>>open world
>>god tier level design
>>ability to interact with everything
>>believable world
>>Interweaving story plots
>>massive amount of choices and possibilities
also and I hope I'm not being too greedy
>>everything vehicle related
>>weapon mechanics and their respective shops

Is that too much to ask?

and inventory from minecraft, very important

Asked these stupid fucking developers releasing Fantasy game #12314792341
Fuck those fucking dorks