So looking back, did Obsidian really think that carbonated drinks dehydrate you?

So looking back, did Obsidian really think that carbonated drinks dehydrate you?
I only ask this as you claim them to be epic writers of video game narratives and rpg mechanics, and yet it seems asinine to fail on such a simple thing

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epic thread bro high five!

We don't know what the Nuka-Cola recipe was, maybe it had a lot of diuretics in it.

It doesn't matter though because a coke will still give you net gain of hydration regardless, and that is what nuka is. Same with tea, coffee, or anything with caffeine. I don't get why you'd Implement a survival mode if you weren't even going to attempt to have it make sense in your vidya either

i dunno about you but if you drank something too sugary id want to wash it out of my mouth

If you consider water as a 1 for hydratation a carbonated beverage is, of course, a minus than 1. The rest is uhhh balance i suppose?

Yeah but it's a Nuka-Cola. There is no real life version of it. Maybe they added some diuretics for flavor and punch. Gets you sweating and pissing and so on. Women did diuretics to stay skinny back then, perhaps Nuka-Cola added some in for the female market.

soft drinks will actually make you thirstier
you can feel this more if you drink it at room temperature

New Vegas is the *only* Fallout game in which it dehydrate you. Even 76 with its forced survival metres doesn't do it. Bethesda stuck to the lore and realism more in this regard, quite baffling

Maybe it's an East Coast vs West Coast thing

>it's liquid, therefore it can't make you feel thirstier
>look at me, I'm smart indian boy
It most likely uses sugar replacement instead of actual thing (because every company in Fallout universe cuts as many corners as possible). When you drink that shit, you want to drink more ASAP.

Soda hydrates you, but not as much as other things. That said it doesn't dehydrate you, just that you'll drink an amount of soda you'd think would hydrate you and feel less hydrated than you thought you were going to.

Just because you feel like drinking more, doesn't mean your body is actually thirstier.

it's so good it makes you cry and lose liquid

go swig back a coke on a parched throat. Then don't drink water to wash it. Just suffer. Preferably tie yourself up so you die fucking slowly

>classify soders as a food instead of a drink so it has no effect on hydration one way or the other
Wham bam get fucked autists

>So looking back, did Obsidian really think that carbonated drinks dehydrate you?
Oh good, thanks for confirming my mountain dew colored blood is a okay
>+10 Dehydration or
>-10 Dehydration (jsawyer.esp)
>-15 Sleep
As usual, OP is a fucking faggot. Should have edit "or" out.

ok thread's over
op is a faggot

Does coffee irl dehydrate you? One of my friends is a chemist and says it does but people online say it doesnt

op is a faggot, but thats also a mod.
>but its THE jsawyer!
still a mod.

it makes you want to piss more so kinda?

technically, coffee doesnt but coffee's side effects does. coffee just makes you piss more and pissing more dehydrates you. same with tea.