Play multiversus

>play multiversus
>get into conan exiles
>they add a battlepass
>oh hey temtem looks interesting, finally a pokemon-type game on pc-
how did it become standard for companies to try and milk children for their parents wallets?

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the real problem with all this shit is the fact that it's there to make playing the game a habit. turns fun into a chore. not feeling like playing the game today? you wouldn't want to miss out on today's login reward, would you? gotta do your daily quests, it'll only take 10 minutes

MultiVersus thread?
MultiVersus Thread!!

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Play offline games only. Problem solved.

>game for literal babies
>devs still found something to censor post launch
I'm glad I skipped this shit

somehow it feels the chore-like nature of wow spread as it died and now I can't escape it
it's been so long since i could just sit down and play a singleplayer game to finish and feel satisfied, i honestly think the last time i did that was when undertale came out, i just enjoy multiplayer more but maybe that's because i have no friends to talk about singleplayer games with

Unchecked capitalism. Blame mutts.

>it's been so long since i could just sit down and play a singleplayer game to finish and feel satisfied
Try Nioh 2, it has aspects of online grinders and coop, but none of the live service bullshit.

I miss him.

>FF XIV adds battlepass
>it's free
>the grind is reasonable
>you also earn currency to purchase items from old passes to negate FOMO
It can be done right.

Get cancer and die.

I'm sure there are others like me but this trend has actually made me play multiplayer games less. I actually play other vidya so whenever a game has a battle pass, unless it's reasonably paced like Deep Rock Galactic, I know I'll miss on some stuff and just stop playing. I know it's just FOMO but it has the opposite effect of what the publishers and devs intended.

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Since dreaming transcends logical passage of time it's theoretically possible for your brain to trap you in an endless dream if you're about to die as a defense mechanism.
Following that reasoning you can imagine TB being stuck in his own personal hell, reviewing Fortnite for eternity.

no its a temtem thread fuck you

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More people got into the hobby = more retards to exploit. COVID sealed the deal.

Most battle passes are trivial to complete for children and refund themselves upon completion
The goal isn't to directly incentivise spending money, it's to build up habits in children to log in daily to cement the playerbase so other whales find it worthwhile to spend money

i really feel a huge part of this are the young people now who grew up doing shit like buying gems in clash of clans (i remember that app being huge in my high school) that now have grown (a little) and are ripe for exploiting by devs now
that and games nowadays just being designed to bring in profit, clearly kids are buying these passes and all the other fomo shit otherwise we wouldn't be seeing it

Sorry, I don't play games like that

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When companies milk children it’s just business, but when I do it it is illegal baka

it's hard to escape it (outside of singleplayer games)
even games like monster hunter rise, the hunt, and edf 5 all have dozens of dlc for sale just for individual costumes/characters/gear
it makes me depressed thinking back to the time when these things would just be included in the base game as something you could earn or unlock rather than something you feel forced to buy to get the complete game experience
from huge content expansion packs that would be half the games cost to now individual costumes being 1/10th of a normal game price (if you're lucky)

Nope, the multiplayer games I play don't have that shit.

Too many sheeple support it. They're literally voting with their wallets.

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