What exactly IS ass creed infinity, though? Just a launching platform for the new games...

What exactly IS ass creed infinity, though? Just a launching platform for the new games? Or are the new games like "expansions" to the infinity game and are more bite-sized in content? it's confusing

Attached: nfinity.jpg (1920x1080, 370.47K)

It's probably a live service platform like Hitman.

Glorified launcher and basically another rebranding for Ubisoft Connect.

Who the fuck plays these games?

Literally just a launcher.

nft platform

>announce mirage
>overshadow it by teasing far more interesting projects in the future
good job, marketing team.

Assassin's Creed 2 was alright because it was just murdering people in renaissance Italy.

Why A Ubisoft Original and not An Ubisoft Original?

If I had to guess, mostly dudes in their early 20's wanting a game without much thinking after a day of waging, probably no gf when playing one, too tired to really care about what you're playing at the end of the day with a bonus of cool old buildings if you're into that.

Ubisoft is a proper noun.

Why are they so afraid of making a modern history setting for Ass Creed?

It might have something to do with them slowly cutting out modern day sections. People don't care about it.

>People don't care about it.
People don't care about nuCreed modern timeline because it's not good since Desmond died

AC Mirage is the last hurrah before AC goes full episodic and live service.

Why are they putting "A Ubisoft Original" on everything now? I would sure fucking hope it is, the gaming industry isn't quite so bad that we're stealing games yet right

This but early 30s. They're relaxing and comfy to place while watching TV, too.

AC Mirage will have similar length to AC 1/2/3
AC Red is an RPG
AC Hexe is shorter
AC Jade is a mobile game...

>People don't care about it.
People do care about it. They only "cut out" modern day sections more in Unity and Syndicate (Of which they still had some stuff but it was mostly relegated to the database entries and the Juno stuff) and then immediately doubled back on that when Origins came out. Layla exists because people complained the series had less modern day. The people complaining about modern day are the minority. They got absolutely shat on when they killed off Juno in a comic to such a degree that even their professional GDC talks had people asking about how poorly they handled it.

I mean modern HISTORY like being an assassin in early 1900 New York or something.

probably is going to be like the new hitman games