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He's not wrong, as someone who's usually sweaty tryhard about games, I don't ALWAYS want to be a sweaty tryhard about games.

Matchmaking is probably better for low skilled players though which is the majority of people.



Do games even have voice chat anymore?

they do but fucking discord ruined it and now nobody ever fucking talks on them anymore except for tf2 and fucking siege.

The insane thing is that nobody on Any Forums actually disagrees with this but people will still pretend to be dumb normalfags just to bait each other.

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Whatever happened to free-for-all deathmatches?
It's all team v team shit

we just had this thread

Matchmaking is the problem. Dedicated servers are how you foster a community

Online FPS got boring when half the time you got paired up with retards in lobbies and always have to super sweat to win, or just get stomped for 10-30 minutes to derank to the point of wondering why you bothered in the first place. Tard-wrangling every game? Pass. Climbing out of ranks in official CSGO matchmaking is so god damn boring due to literally 1 guy throwing or sucking so badly it's basically playing with a constant handicap. No one wants to get 25 frags in a CSGO short game and still lose because no one else can defend bombsites. Can't be everywhere at once.

CSGO knows this with Casual constantly still being played, although community servers are/were way better. I still find myself loading up cs1.6 and having a fun time, but when I think of modern shit like cod2019 I would rather just listen to music and go for a walk.

when dice announced BF3 wouldn't have mod support I realized things were pretty much over.

Sadly this, it was like vidya's legs being removed and replaced with a treadmill. Always moving, but just in place, forever.

Lots of games that have voice limit you to just your team/party.

Prox chat is rare and some of the funnest moments but only if both sides can hear eachother. A game like Hell Let Loose would benefit from having players overhear other players via Prox voice chat but nope.

Says the guy who just sold an early access game with brain dead AI and no sprint button. I was seriously excited for Gloomwood but the game has a lot of work needed to be done. Also somehow only one level is completed and it takes like 2 hours to beat.

maybe your twitter screencap post was removed earlier for a reason other than light mode :/

If there's nothing to talk about then the only option is to make something to talk about.

Also I’d like the add
>Only two different enemy types

The game is rough

>user autistically keeps posting perfectly common sense opinions as something controversial
I'd ask why, but autism answered that.

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And with a Twitter screencap no less, instead of speaking for himself.

Halo 2 debuted the matchmaking formula everything uses now, but it had a pregame and post game lobby where every player could talk to each other. You also had the option to just stay in the lobby after the match and the game would automatically keep the group together since that cuts down on time finding players. Now there are no pregame lobbies where both sides can interact and as soon as a match is done the other team if not everyone is whisked away never to be seen again to stop that deadly online toxicity the girls complained about.

>if I post it again he'll be right!
Seek help OP.

>reposting the exact same twitternigger thread that just got deleted
fucks sake, at least use a new image

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He's right. Every single online game experience is ruined immediately because of meta bullshit. It's feeling less and less organic. Online was supposed to be the same as playing with a friend in person, but just long distance. Online now is competitive meta strategy min max horseshit, you can't just fucking play a game and test your natural skill that you gained from sheer practice, observation and communicating with people.

Tactical games like Squad or whatever still have lots of player interaction but they lack the casual vibe.

I disagree. Playing regularly on one server allows you to learn by setting "local" goal of getting good on this specific server.
Meanwhile matchmaking is a choice between "I will be stuck forever" and "I am dropping out of school/work".

That game makes me feel like I'm in class.

Why did you post this again?

Again, I disagree. Or at least it depends on what you define as casual.
You need to learn how the game works and follow some of the general orders which is not a bar set high. I was awful at shooting (except from qcq) for most of my stay at Squad so I played medic and did my best to get my bros up.
I had tons of great experiences which were far from tryhard sweating like singing country roads in a logi while suicidal biker rams us with c4 strapped to his asscheeks.

Recently playing wreckfest it made me appreciate severs again. People that want to have fun can play on the anything goes servers and tryhards can play on the no contact servers so everyone is happy. If there was match making the no contact people would be constantly harassing the devs until they made it a bannable offense and the fun would be sucked from the game

So much was lost when custom maps stopped being a thing. The most fun I ever had in an online FPS was HL 2 Deathmatch. Some of the custom maps on there were so fucking fun. I especially loved the puzzle maps like this one
