I'm playing Nier Automata right now

I'm playing Nier Automata right now
What do I think of it?

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ASS game
the game is ASS

I hope you'd stop being a secondaryfag and play the series from the very beginning.

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Why? It's not a direct sequel or anything, and the older games are shit.

It's just ok.
Nice soundtrack but I genuinely didn't care for the story much.
Gameplay is Platinum's weakest.

achoo sex and marriage!

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>Why? It's not a direct sequel or anything
The lore is deeper than that.
>and the older games are shit.
Calling them shit is beyond exaggerating. Besides that, playing them is worth it for the deep lore, crazy story and the unparalleled atmopshere.

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you are dissapointed in what internet coomers lead you to believe.
While you appreciate great atmosphere and artistic design gameplay is just allright.
You went in experiencing some masterclass kino and ended up anime marathon on prom night. Could be worse.

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you think you should have played NieR: Replicant first if you haven't already. Really enhances the experience.

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Looks like A2's thighs to me

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The music, characters, and story are all much worse than the first game, which make it an almost pointless excursion.

As somebody who originally bought an xbox 360 back in the day specifically to play Nier and Bayonetta: Nier Automata, in a way, combines the worst of both of them.


>What do I think of it?
Classic Any Forumsirgin, thinking for himself.

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I got through most of the carnival before dropping it
I just wasn't having fun with the combat
Although it probably didn't help that I had just finished playing the Yakuza games so I was more accustomed to a more combo driven 3rd person combat

Hot girls

post some toobee butt i'm horny

I liked it a lot.
Great mood and setting. Fun combat. Hot girls.
Everything a western game isn't.

You're having more fun with it than any other video game in ages.

>The music, characters, and story are all much worse than the first game
That is absolute bullshit.
N:A is such a massive upgrade from Gestalt, it's absolutely insane.

>muh combat combat combat
You fags are irredeemable.
Both Automata and Yakuza (espec. 0) got kickass combat, but you really need to learn to appreciate other aspects of a game.

Shit combat and an overrated main girl people only remember for her wide hips.
>dude just play every drakengard and also nier and also read the stories, listen to the dramas, THEN you can fap to the tranny
I actually liked Drakengard 1 a lot, but this is retarded

Nah the nostalgia blinded you, the first nier game is an absolute slog