I fucking hate Sonic fans and Sonic Team

You don't fucking get it man. How do any of these idiots trust sonic team to make a 3rd adventure game, when they couldn't even get it right the second time? Adventure 2 fucking SUCKS compared to the original. I don't have any nostalgia for either game, I didn't grow up with either of them. I played them both for the first time this year and I was blown away with how worse SA2 is compared to SA1. The controls fucking suck, the story fucking sucks, the musical variety from SA1 got tanked into the ground and everything is rock which would go on to define the series afterwards. SA1 had tighter level design, fucking amazing controls that have still yet to be replicated, and a great core cast. Even if you don't like the Amy or Big levels, you can't deny that they weren't at their creative peak with how ambitious this game was. Maybe a little too ambitious for their own good, but its still a more fun and replayable game compared to SA2. Yeah man I fucking love playing in a shitty mech as tails and running around big empty levels as knuckles with a fucked-up radar, and linear hallways as Sonic with a fucked up Light speed dash, ground movement that's slippery as duck shit, and a botched spin dash. SA3 Happened in 2006 when we got Shadow the Hedgehog which continued the story of SA2 even if it was shitty.

Sonic Team hasn't released a good game in over ten fucking years and yet these idiots still eat up all the slop Izuka and the others give them, then get mad when people call them out for taking the bare minimum. Sonic frontiers is going to fucking suck but OH MY GOD GUYS. SONIC BLINKS! SONIC SHOWS BASIC FUCKING EMOTION IT'S SO MUCH BETTER! MUH HYPE!!!! HYPE!!!!!

I can't wait to run around in a barren empty world with clashing assets and character designs that don't even look like they're from the same series. I love the idea of Sonic running around in a big empty world with no coherent art style which is the exact same shit people said about 06 but this time it's okay?

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hey, it's stinking here!

Why don't Sonic fans demand better games? Why do they keep letting Sonic Team get away with pumping out rushed bullshit? They lost their creative vison 20 fucking years ago and haven't made a good game in more than 10 years. Generations was the last game with more good than bad but that doesn't even count because it's all just reused levels that are already good. But that game sucks too because why would I play through worst versions of stages I already liked when I can go play the original?

I am so sick of people acting like Sonic Team knows what they're doing, when the Mania team swooped in and ate their fucking lunch in 2017, completely embarrassing them. If the fan game I greenlit upstaged my major release and made my entire veteran dev team look like fucking idiots I'd kill myself man. I'd fucking quit if that happened to me.

Why would anyone trust modern sonic team to make Adventure 3 when they've proved time and time again they have no fucking idea what they're doing with this IP?

You guys can laugh and mock and not take this seriously all you want. But I am so genuinely tired of watching people get hyped for whatever shit they announce just to be like "Ugh this game sucks, but I promise I only bought it at full price to see if it sucked! I'm not regretting my purchase at all!"

I just wanted to get my thoughts out is all

The last mainline Sonic game I ever bought and played besides Mania was Generations. Everything since then has not impressed, so I didn't buy. I'm sure there are lots of us out there who put our money where our mouth is and don't grab everything just because it has the blue rat on it. The problem is similar to the Pokemon problem. Sonic is such a massive media presence that people will buy his games just because of the branding, and not because of their quality. There's a sucker born every minute after all. Little Timmy who enjoyed watching the Sonic 2 movie will probably get Forces and enjoy it for what it is, the same way we played shovelware titles for various shows and movies as indiscriminate tots.

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*sniff* ahhh fpbp

Sonic has some weird influence where literally everyone besides it's own "creators" seems to be endeared to it.

>America: I want to write Sonic comics
>Australia: I want to make the best Sonic classic game ever
>England: We want to make the best Sonic racing games
>Japan: Your shit sirs

>well we could make a game
>but that would require a lot of work
thank god i never got into sonic games besides advance

Seriously, the fans have done far more to keep Sonic alive than Sega at this point.

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That's the thing though. Sega needs to stop making sonic games for the people that are already going to buy it. I think Little Timmy deserves a good fucking game after coming from the movie that was the most fresh Sonic has been since his inception. Kids are gonna watch the movie, then play frontiers and wonder why sonic sounds and looks so different, get bored or not like it, then stop playing.

I’m not reading all that, but as a die hard Sonic fan I wouldn’t trust Sonic Team to make me a bagel with cream cheese, much less a good modern 3D Sonic game

I respect your desire to not read it. I just had to get all that shit off my chest

I agree. Little Timmy does deserve good games. We ALL do. But as long as there are people out there who buy on brand recognition alone, there's no incentive for Sega to actually get their rears in gear and shape up. The cash will continue to flow regardless.

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Giving Sonic shitty JRPG plots was a fucking mistake and it breaks my heart that it somehow stuck.

Well, Frontiers is shaping up to be another laughingstock, maybe, just MAYBE they'll get it through their heads this time and stop trying.

I think the biggest problem is the people with influence in the sonic community are delusional enough into thinking frontiers will be good, so everyone that follows them are also being tricked into thinking it'll be good. Specifically, that Fadel guy on twitter. He's so fucking insufferable and praises every tiny piece of news that comes out as hype

>namefag with a tag that shows that he is that exact same namefag
opinion discarded+fatherless+he probably don't play games at all

I simply don't understand the appeal. Part of the problem is I've been done with the Boost formula since Generations, so half the game's already lost me. But the "Open-World" stuff looks generic and bland. And Sonic's kit does not look like it's geared towards making exploring an open world inherently fun.

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>"N-No you don't understand, this time it's big open world....no it won't be exactly like 06!"

Everyone tore 06 to hell and back because of the inconsistent constantly clashing art style. And here comes frontiers with cartoony ass sonic running around in a realistic world with weird anime little girl and robots and none of it is in the same art style at all. Why do they not care NOW?

Remember when Sonic Team lied about the development of Frontiers and everyone just forgave them?

The boost formula literally peaked with its first try and every time after they've tried to replicate it. I just don't understand why people think this will be good.

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Yeah man, how about that

I just want a new Chao garden
I couldn't care less about the Sonic portion of SA3