What is the point of this?

What is the point of this?

Attached: Classic.jpg (2560x1440, 513.21K)

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Every creative industry is basically dead and can only survive on repackaging ideas from over a decade ago.

Because people will pay for it

Artists sperging out over AI art is the second best thing this year.

To make me realise how boring WOTLK was and that i quit after 1-2 months?

milking 30 year olds with nostalgia

Money for trannies

To milk money from you so they can pay salaries to people who hate you.

I can't wait till all the wrath hypers realize how bad the expansion actually is, that feeling when the delusion is shattered

the prepatch event is a lot of fun ive been working together with other players to clean out the streets, and trade chat is full of glorious boner inducing bitching

>reaches Cataclysm Classic
>Release WoW Classic Classic


WOTLK was the start of the decline.

I am absolutely sick of people saying otherwise.

Sure you may have had more "fun" playing it. But at what cost? |

>Every single class has an AOE ability and that's what you now spam
>Every class has a heal ability to make solo play that much easier
>Every class now has some tankability/survivability because DPS complained enough
>All your class specific roles have been removed or negated entirely by the developers.

Yea of course you fucking clowns enjoy this garbage. They literally removed the R in the MMORPG tag. Screw your characters having class specific niches. Now they all get them.

Don't forget to mash that like and subscribe in addition to buying more heirlooms senpai! - Actiblizz ad

Attached: laughing bob.png (1637x1080, 603.43K)

You joke, but that's literally how EQ stays alive today.

I remember it was a joke when wow classic came out that they'd re-release every expansion as "classic" and they're doing it so I don't even think it's a joke at this point.

They know the game will be dead within a month so they try to sell you microtransactions which weren't part of the original game.

Attached: Screenshot 2022-09-12 at 06-01-50 Wrath of the Lich King Classicâ„¢ Upgrades - World of Warcraft Classic Battle.net.png (506x682, 194.85K)

season of mastery had barely anyone playing it nobody will play a classic classic nobody wants to go back to MC unless it's released 30 years from now

Imagine if Dark Souls came out when it did in 2011 but by 2013 everyone's copy of it was deleted from existence and the only approximation to being able to play it again is to play a rebuilt version made by russian faggots

it sucks that people aren't even playing SoM. I didn't wanna replay vanilla right after TBC but I did want to replay it at some point in the future. Hopefully the later SoM resets have a better population

Selling nostalgia. It's just cashing-in. Just like movie adaptations for popular series.

You could've been playing on private WotLK servers for years if you gave a shit about the actual content.

What time period are you living in, my dude?

Im assuming the best thing was the meltdown that resulted of FLY'D?

nostalrius was hugely popular though, despite private servers being sort of niche

I'm really curious what they'll do after wrath.

Will keep playing warmane. Fuck blizzshitters

Attached: 3455754743.gif (500x516, 151.24K)

How does the pricing on this stuff work. If I get a WOW sub which expansions do I get? And how does it work for classic?

People are getting into boats and zeps as zombies on my server, booty bay was a no-go for a whole day because of them

Awful comparison. WoW and it's clones destroyed the entire MMO genre. The worst game in the genre became the most popular. It's only analog might be call of duty.

the wow sub covers both retail and classic


How do the expansions work? You have to buy each new expansion for retail right?