With a bit of lubrication; I'm ready for anything

>With a bit of lubrication; I'm ready for anything.
What did she mean by this?

Attached: Gretel_mk_3.PNG.png (250x460, 161.26K)

I love you for posting this but the 3rd person battle royale thing they are developing has me bummed.

They're doing what now? Huh? TimeSplitters BR? Oh no.

what went wrong?

Attached: timesplitters gretel.jpg (1600x650, 156.71K)

Absolutely nothing. All three of them are great.

Attached: Gretel_mk_2.PNG.png (339x897, 206.49K)

Attached: Gretel.png (767x1160, 595.77K)

What was in his pocket?

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Can you fuck a robot?

who was the best timesplitter?

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Isn't it weird how Gretel appears on the box art for both TS1 (as the only figure there in-fact) and TS2, but she doesn't even get a single mission in TS3 and only shows up for one random challenge level. Imagine a mission with a sassy Gretel Mk3 sidekick, somewhere around the endgame where R110 usually is. You wouldn't even need to replace R110, just give the mad lad a break.

Attached: 18324-timesplitters-playstation-2-front-cover.jpg (800x1140, 195.4K)

Most iconic is the TS2 reaper for me because of how mischievous they seem in the opening cutscene stealing the time crystals and taking them into the time portal. The Scourge splitters are fucking fags that always show up to push your shit in at the end of a mission with 2x machineguns.

Maybe they got rid of whichever developer had a crush on Gretel in the interim between 2 and 3.

Attached: 106483-timesplitters-2-gamecube-front-cover.jpg (800x1133, 125.86K)

Depends on if they have the necessary parts installed.

You may not like it but Fortnite is basically the spiritual successor to Timesplitters in many ways.

Attached: Rebel_(Featured)_-_Outfit_-_Fortnite.png (1024x1024, 331.69K)

You're right I don't like it. It does have some nice robots though.

And to think that TimeSplitters 4 initially failed to secure funding back in like 2008 or whenever because publishers thought that games with a massive cast of characters were not marketable compared to the standard 4 character brown and bloom corridor shooter.

Post more Rebel.

fortnite doesnt have inflation gun.

If TimeSplitters 4 ever actually gets made it's going to be a DLC microtransaction nightmare isn't it? The worst monkey's paw of all.

I wish more people would recreate TS maps and game modes in creative

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Take her beanie off.