Why does PC gaming feel so soulless these days? I feel like it hasn't been good since 2012

Why does PC gaming feel so soulless these days? I feel like it hasn't been good since 2012.

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what games have you played from the last 5 years

It hasn't

I switched back to consoles so i could enjoy video games again.

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what does this even mean? how are consoles any different? they're just locked down prebuilt pcs, especially the next gen ones

you spend more time on your web browser instead of playing games.

If you gamed on consoles back in the 6th gen for example all you had was the game in front of you, maybe a manual, maybe siblings or friends with you so it was always a better time.

No web browser to watch your favorite Twitch/Youtube/Redditors on stream on your second monitor while taking time away from the game you want to play but feel too lazy to actually pay attention to.

maybe you're playing shit games user, I dont know

reddit r/pc master race made it soulless around 2012. LE MODDED SKYRIM HD GRAPHICS

A lot of those losers migrated here too.

Streamers being PC gamers and the rise of battle royale type pc games sucked the remaining soul out it .

Also people who play shit like csgo and valorant plus League of legends ruined it too

>consoletrannies have been so badly BTFO by PC gaming that the only arguments they have left for it now is “MUH SOUL”

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>you spend more time on your web browser
i feel so... alone... in games.
>invited friends
im not always playing mp games though. i dont want to limit myself to mp games just because im a lonely faggot.

>so just have them in call while you play
so they can sit there are get bored that we're not playing?

Lmao Pcbros have been thirsty as fuck ever since BB was teased

They spent the entire period from 2007 onwards going "LOL WE GOT 1080, LOOK LOOK"

and then PS4 shows up, for a quarter of the price of their machines, doing not only 1080p, but advanced graphics

"pff GTX680 is about to come out and it's gunna fucking blow the PS4 out all generation! Just spend 1k on my rig, super worth!"

That GTX680 rig can't run the latest games and ports as well as a PS4 can, let alone a PS4 Pro which again, is fucktonnes cheaper than what they paid.

More people are figuring out that we're hitting the plateau and it makes zero sense to keep investing in PC hardware now that the honeymoon phases are over. Consoles are getting everything and none of the downsides, for less money.

It's exactly why Gaben anhero'd his entire steambox idea, because PC gaming is being so utterly fucking raped by consoles again that this time it won't recover. PC titles are now selling less copies than they did in 2011 across the board. Publishers are gunna leave soon causing a vacuume.

High GPU prices the last year and a bit have also helped greatly in warding off potential new PC gamers.

PC will be merged/replaced with tablet environment. It's allready started, dev studios are more and more using tablets and notebooks + devkits for workstations, only industries still using PC's with custom parts are fucking few and far between.

It's all going to be server grade/compute grade from here on out and by around 2024 Intel will only ship their CPU's soldered to motherboards.

PC gaming is in the process of being kek'd hard.

The reveal of Fromsoft's next PS5 exclusive will help seal the deal massively. It'll deliver another large emotional blow to PC ecosystem and lack of true visionary exclusives.

>Diablo is now a console series and plays better on console
>Doom is now a console IP
>Wolfenstein is now a console IP

When Billzard announces their next MMO is console, it's game over

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i just miss the 2008-2012 gaming pc aesthetic so fucking much bros. everything was thicc, black and red, tough as shit and giant

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>>invited friends
>im not always playing mp games though. i dont want to limit myself to mp games just because im a lonely faggot.
>>so just have them in call while you play
>so they can sit there are get bored that we're not playing?

I used 6th gen as my example. But sure for singleplayer games the main thing is playing them and not paying attention to anything else

Lonely faggot? ok, I played fighting alone and had fun, shit like SoulCalibur2 was great.

Singleplayer stuff I always felt if I just focused on playing them instead of looking at my phone or chatting with someone over Skype or Discord I'd actually get immersed and enjoy it.

I dont. I had an alienware aurora and it sucked ass.

PC gaming these days are console
Ports played through 5 different launchers

I bought a XsX and its more soulful than my fractal design rdblt+ lights PC

I spend most of my time in Blender and Ableton. But you do you user kun

i want to get back into console gaming bros. I think I'm leaning more towards getting a Series X over a PS5 just because I like the idea of Gamepass and it seems the SeX is stronger hardware-wise. However, I'm afraid I'll miss out on good PS exclusives if I don't get a PS5.

What do?

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Massive cope

not an argument

If you already have a pc you should probably just get a ps5. Pretty much all games available for series x (game pass or otherwise) are also available on pc.

I have a pc and ended up getting a series x but only because I don't really care about sony exclusives

The reddit spacing and overall severe mental retardation is what makes this bait so kino.

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Lots of games are built with console in mind first and PC as an afterthought, so there's a lot of shit PC ports out there. Also the community on consoles is a lot more mainstream and casual whereas the PC community is more fringe and weird.

There's about 2 good games released per year but they don't last very long and then the rest is just unoriginal or uninspired trash.

learn to greentext newfag phoneposter

Not to mention all the 5.25" shit you could add to your desktop. Do they even make anymore cases with 5.25 drives? I kind of want to change mine but I have my BD player, fan controller and pump + reservoir for liquid cooling there

Because you're not playing PC games most of the time. You're just playing console games (literally with a gamepad controller) on your PCs. With how much better and how many more options a keyboard and mouse provide than a gamepad, this shouldnt be the norm, but it has become that thanks to parity. Now consoles are just weak, gimped PCs and PCs are only getting games built and designed around consoles made for it. Shit like Elden Ring for example should be infinitely better than it is but because it was design with consoles and gamepad controllers like Dualsense and the Xbox controller in mind it's held back.

>red computers
honestly back then red was edgy instead of just your favorite color for the average normal faggot
shame it's that way but there's no way around it

I hated it. My new simple case without a thousand faux vents and a billion screws is so much better. RGB needs to die

you enjoying those movie games and multi-plats?

Please explain exactly what you mean by "soulless". This word gets tossed around a lot, but no one can actually explain what it means. Sounds like some stupid OLD GOOD, NEW BAD bullshit

>Lots of games are built with console in mind first and PC as an afterthought, so there's a lot of shit PC ports out there.
It's not 2008 anymore.
> Also the community on consoles is a lot more mainstream and casual whereas the PC community is more fringe and weird.
You realize the biggest games in the world are PC exclusives. Even with your own logic you are objectively wrong.

be the soul you wish to see in the world

because gaming in general is soulless as fuck nowadays and if you think consoles are any better then you're a poorfag drone

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