
C'mon, it wasn't all bad.

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Of course.

BL1 was alright, at least it wasn't as obnoxious as BL2.

Y’know what BL1 was? Quiet. Too late for me to appreciate that at the time.


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That's what makes the Borderlands franchise so frustrating. It COULD be great but it keeps getting held back by poor design decisions and the story is now firmly under the thumb of Twitter.

BL 1 was best for atmosphere and guns, BL 2 was good for the content volume that was it.

Was 3 a fat shit like the series seemed to be going??

1&2 sure
presequel and 3 are pretty fucking terrible though

Million guns means nothing when it's gun1.31 that does 0.2% damage more than the gun1.27

First one is fine, good with friends even.
Also Orionbros where we at?

BL1 is mediocre, the undead DLC was kino, and after that not one single piece of Borderlands media was even close to passable.

It was so boring I never looked at another Borderlands game ever again.

Best game in the series and the only one that was actually funny. Every single one after was unfunny horseshit.

The general guy in the Atlas dlc was fun.

Prequel is fine, its just more like a mod for the second game is all instead of a totally new game.

This isn't a GOOD thing for the series (As it means it began to stagnate), but it still wasn't worse than 2 (Still had a decent plot and characters, with Jack still as the "villain"), and had some decent changes (Cryo as an element from slag for example was a godsend), but it was a definite "More of the same" malaise.

I also will admit I found jack's body double a strangely endearing hero.

BL1 > BL3 > BLTPS > BL2

The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned was top tier dlc.
Such a goddamned shame the dlc for the sequels never got nearly as deep

My opinion is shit, but I think that 2 had a much better story and characters. The gunplay was noticeably worse, and they look and sound like children's toys; really ugly looking. The balancing was also horrendous after the first playthrough. Pre-Sequel fixed the balancing a lot, but it was still pretty mediocre compared to the first game. The first game also had by far, the best parts and loot system in the series.

>the undead DLC was kino
Supreme taste. Too bad they fucked the level scaling with 1's dlcs and never fixed it with the remaster

>Too bad they fucked the level scaling with 1's dlcs
What chu talkin bout, user

>those endless viral threads at the time
It was a fun game but jesus christ

After doing some of the side quests along with the main quest my character became too over leveled. Even a couple levels too high trivializes the bosses.
Ned's DLC was piss easy. The General's DLC was mostly fine. But by the time I reached Claptraps I had to skip to playthrough 2 to play it.

playing this game felt like playing an offline MMO
you just go around doing kill X quests until the game ends

Based, I got them in a humble bundle and they were all shit,

I think you are supposed to beat it the do the DLC.

Why do they always have to kill someone from the previous game?

How can anyone actually even die when the Hyperion respawn booths will bring you back instantly?

Headcanon is that Jack deleted the profile of the original four Vault Hunters, but Angels managed to move the ones in BL2 to another server so they trusted her to help them.

I can't beat him what am I doing wrong

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