What are some other games that portray Anarchism in a positive light?

What are some other games that portray Anarchism in a positive light?

Attached: dragonfall boxart.jpg (1024x1024, 150.28K)

Not this as you constantly fix people’s problems caused by rampant over-reach by corporations and then the entire place is razed after the credits.

>building a community is anarchy
niggers are dumb af

fencing off an area within a country and telling that country that you won't follow their rules or mandates is anarchy, yes.

now I know youre retarded

It's not anarchy, it's just a different group of thugs muscling their way into the territory and declaring new rules

Anarchy doesn't exist beyond a temporary and transient state where nobody is enforcing their power over others just yet.

Shadowrun Hong Kong I guess. The Walled City is F U C K E D
Look up anarcho-communism

And the warlords within that territory you have to negotiate with, be they ganger or corpo, what form of anarchy are they following?

lmao I was thinking if asking if you were also a communist, and my question has been answered

You're successfully hitting all the "I'm a fucking retard" bullet points

>Look up anarcho-communism
how about look up sodoku fucking commie jew

Oof that's a good question OP. what games does deal with anarchism?

>it takes magic to make Anarchism work
Seems accurate.

Yes, I'm the guy who initially cried about anarchism, that's why I was a new IP and responded to OP
I couldn't possibly give a fuck about commies, doesn't mean you should make uninformed posts

>I couldn't give a fuck about commies
>btw have you heard about anarcho-communism, it has nothing to do with communism btw just trust me bro I'm not a retard

>hurr durr anarchism doesn't exist beyond a transition period
>yes it does, you don't know shit, look up this political ideology
Go back
I don't give a fuck about monarchism either but I'd still laugh at you if you said monarchies couldn't exist

I’m assuming he’s trying to talk about a post-scarcity society which doesn’t need laws because everyone’s needs are met, like Star Trek.

That’s not Shadowrun, at all.

>I’m assuming he’s trying to talk about a post-scarcity society
I'm not. The anarchists during the Spanish Civil War followed it IIRC

>the entire place is razed after the credits.
Megacorps were seething so hard at the fact that a group of people didn't want anything to do with them that they actually teamed up to attack them lmao. The credits say they got pushed back into a smaller area in the east though, it wasn't a complete loss. They lasted for 5 years too.

the only thing the communists successfully did in the spanish civil war is commit atrocities

Does Disco Elysium count? You're supposedly the police but basically just try to negotiate with groups fighting for control of whatever the city was called

Yes, corporations abhor a power vacuum, just like real-life.

How do you even pronounce Kreuzbasar?

cruise bizarre

Basar is the exact same loanword as bazaar so it's pronounced the same
Kreuz is Kroyts with the oy like in boy